Entourage was the most disgusting, misogynistic show. Here’s hoping that one of the side benefits of all of this is that crap like that will never again be lauded as “the hot show to watch.”
Entourage was the most disgusting, misogynistic show. Here’s hoping that one of the side benefits of all of this is that crap like that will never again be lauded as “the hot show to watch.”
Glad to hear that Bobby Cannavale is safely off the shit meter. I love that guy!!
This is my comment about your story.
First half of his career was riding John Cusack’s coattails.
Piven is an awful actor and an awful human being.
(a show which, incidentally, revolved around a click of piggish Hollywood males)
Bahahahaha, Piven! You spoiled Evanston theater brat. Undone by your own douchebaggery, despite your mother’s best efforts. Hey at least she can still give you a job, loser.
boom! Well done ladies!
“Zdravstvuyte, Comrade Trump. I am skeleton in your closet. Am wery scary, da?”
Reminds me of the start of it, it always makes me think of rich people who deny poor people health care, showing they don’t understand how communicable diseases work.
Clever! I was thinking her dress was a statement about how scary the solar system was. You know, when the world is flat and only 6k years old.
I think so. And that is total BS. Ms. Frizzle would drag Betsy onto the Magic School Bus, shrink her down, and leave her to rot in Steve Bannon’s lower intestine if she knew what Betsy was doing to the U.S. education system.
Ghost of MAGA past.
Nah, same as every day:Natasha from Rocky and Bullwinkle.
Is her costume “creepy flasher”?
Was that Betsy DeVille trying to pull a shitty Ms. Frizzle? Because that’s what it unfortunately reminded me of.