
Yup. Only Spacey himself can know where he falls on the Kinsey scale, but as a bi person woman who has chosen to only date women when it comes to dating apps, it is a choice for some of us. And that’s OK. It’s super bi-erasure-y and homophobic to pretend that only the kinsey 6's get to be gay and the rest of us have

I think from context it was clear that the sexual advances were unwanted. In fact I think sexual advances is a term rarely used to imply consent. Because he only lay on top of him it doesn’t meet the legal parameters for rape. (By law generally something has to be inserted somewhere) Attempted rape? I think so for

No one ever asked me what I was wearing, but I definitely got the ‘you were asking for it’ treatment. It took me a long time to sort that out from the inside.

for some people sexuality is a choice. You may not like it but it’s their truth. Saying “homosexuality is not a choice!” reinforces the idea that at its core, homosexuality is gross and disgusting and that nobody would choose it if they could. It’s not helpful at all. Does it matter whether it’s innate or a choice?

Learn how to read, douchette. Someone suggested Jerry write a column, and he said not unless someone paid him; not that he needed cash to spill these beans.

I think he probably knew any statement would be seen as insincere if he issued it from the back of the closet, at this point.

I don’t know, either. He sounds genuinely contrite and is supportive of his accuser; not sure if outing himself is meant to be a distraction or he just figured the game was over.

That clears up one of the rumors.

“Rapp said this was of little concern at the time to his mother, noting that “it was a different era.”

I wish the media would not let the trump part go. Just because he has a new scandal every week, doesn’t give us the right to forget about the dozen women who came forward to out him. We cannot leave these women’s side. They have to know we are here for them.

God. Everything is terrible. I feel terrible for Anthony Rapp and for all the other likely victims. I feel terrible that there are people who knew these things and didn’t do anything about them. And I feel terrible because there are homophobic losers all over Twitter delighted that a “hollyweirdo” is getting what’s

Exactly. This is Robin Thicke’s pathetic Paula album, only somehow even worse.

Now playing

Seriously? Christ on a dildo bike. The most appropriate song is just so obvious:

He doesn’t realize how guilty these moves make him look. Only a control freak intent on looking like the good guy and victim gets it this wrong on so many different levels. Those gestures weren’t for her. They were to make sure other people saw it so that they would think he is a loving father who is desperate to

Examples include wearing a hoodie that reads “Shayla Rocks!” along with flying a banner over her school that says “No matter what, daddy loves you, Shayla.”

Ann Coulter is still dragging around, so I’m not holding out too much hope.

I’m offended by flag bikinis because they’re tacky. So there’s that!

Not law, just protocol, but still absurdly hypocritical, not that any of these people have the capacity to understand how or why.

Reports like this don’t matter at all until someone, while interviewing Lahren on tv, holds up that pic and reads aloud the law and asks her why she’s breaking the law and disrespecting the flag. WHY DON’T AMERICAN REPORTERS ASK THE MOST OBVIOUS QUESTIONS?!!!!!

I can imagine that in 15-20 years (if we are still around), when Tomi won’t be considered bangable by the crusty old men who watch Fox news, she’ll “flip” and become a liberal/dem supporter. Then we can all pull out every bit of bullshit she has said and done this past year and say “You can’t sit with us” (or whatever