
Jane is clearly bad with money and should not be giving financial advice. The writer talks about feeling guilty for having more money than her peers to support her career. Given to her by an uncle who thought she deserved it because she had demonstrated fiscal responsibility. Jane responds by telling this woman how

As someone whose son was murdered - I can tell you why. Because until you get to the point in your head or you are willing to accept the true facts of what happened, you will hold on desperately to a false villain, so long as it fits the only narrative that your brain has let you believe.

And yet, all the people who think Knox did it have “feelings” she did, but no evidence.

Killer Rudy Guede agrees with Flow Bee. He says after Raffelle killed Meredith, he pointed at Rudy and told Amanda, “Always the black man gets blamed!” Then they fled. Rudy was so afraid of getting blamed because of the color of his skin that he fled without calling police, danced at a disco until 3 AM, then caught a

Does DNA not exist in your universe?

Sure, it’s cuz white girls can never be murderers and not because Rudy Guede’s fingerprints, bloody palm prints, and DNA were found all over Meredith’s room and body.

I think they know what happened, Rudy Guede murdered her and was convicted for it. The case against Amanda Knox and her boyfriend was just a witch hunt fueled by the press and public.

My heart aches for Meredith’s family who will never know what really happened. And of course for Amanda Knox whose life was turned upside down by a superstitious and inept police dept + a misogynistic press using femme fatale to sell a story.

Oh god, don’t get me started on the nasty shit people do on BART. Cutting nails, eating gross shit. But I’ve never get over the women who decided to spray half a bottle of perfume on herself (and everyone in a 50 foot radius of her) on a really crowded train. I almost leaped over a few people to try to kill her.

I don’t have any direct wealthy relatives, but my step-family is wealthy. A few years ago my step-grandfather passed and left me some money. A few of my step-relatives were angry about it (they never said anything to me directly), and I felt weirdly guilty at first about it. In the end though, I just had to take it as

Regarding question number 2:

Reminds me of one of my favorite memes— “look at this bitch eating those crackers like she owns the place”

Oh ho! I sometimes work in an office where there used to be occasional cake or cookies, and nowadays, there is no cake, no cookies.


For question #2, think of it this way: Any of your fellow artists, if they had that opportunity for a ‘benefactor’, would take it, yes? Yes. They’d be a great fool not to. It’s not like the money is blood money (like if your uncle got it illegally, or by being unethical and supporting Trump, or something like that),

Buying the lady slippers would be so weird. And she would probably find it incredibly rude. I doubt barefoot coworker’s issue is lack of access to appropriate footwear.

I sympathize with Doesn’t Hate But Can Sometimes Be Stupid.

Problem solved.

If someone in my office walked around with her naked feet for all to see, I would be the one PLACING the tacks on the ground, not offering her luxurious slippers that she would likely not wear!!