
I feel so guilty for laughing at this.

Trucker hats. In blue. Cuz it’s a soothing color.


My dad copied this onto VHS from when it aired. I watched it so many times that the tapes deteriorated.

That scene terrified me so much i cried. The only way I got over it is remembering that the actor is a Chicago area person and I met her while she was doing August: Osage County at Steppenwolf. She’s a very nice lady who is not lurking anywhere that I can think of.

I went to that link. What did I read/look at?!

It’s really neither here nor there, but I’ve known Shawn & Claire since they were very young. I can vouch for the fact that, outside of TV World, they are very smart, sweet people. I don’t watch this show, so I can’t say much about their behavior there, but they’re not these evil drama queens. I realize that that

I have two of those glasses at home now! I’ve kept them since I was a kid. They’re very classy for dumping dollar bottles of merlot into.

I’ve only ever been on Facebook. I gave that up back in April, although I still have my account. I just kept comparing myself to everyone and feeling bad in general. This is in addition to getting depressed about 45* and not wanting to participate in the echo chamber anymore. I have felt so much cleaner and happier

The only appropriate word I can think of for this is “delicious”.

My elementary school did this every morning, but I can’t remember doing it in middle or high school. I did recite it with my hand over my heart, but remember feeling uncomfortable about it without understanding why.

The poor?!?! I’m screeching like an eagle in my throat right now. (Can’t let it out & scare the neighbors, although that-one-guy-across-the-courtyard-who-fancies-himself-a-noteworthy-singer-but-is-just-so-bad-and-I-hate-him-and-who-always-keeps-his-windows-open deserves it.)

That’s how Drumpf lives every day of his presidency.

Proofreading! Please! I really like your writing, but your final paragraph is saying the opposite of what you meant.

The moment you type that, yes, you are.

What is happening with his legs?!

I just watched that episode! MSW is my respite from these dark days.

You make me so very tired.

You have my sincerest condolences. Would you care to share a photo of him/her in better days?

She’s, what, 37? She is not a “girl”. Christ on a cross, I hate when women call themselves girls.