
Side note: it seems to be a trend that women are way, way, way more invested in General Organa, whereas men focus on her as Princess Leia. I mean, it’s no surprise why, but it’s just... touching to me.

Jeez, it’s like applying for a job — which is just what these actresses were doing — is “asking for it”. Because they showed up dressed nicely and looking pretty? And how did HE dress?

And having to show off her tennis outfit for Shampoo to Warren Beatty so he could decide “with bra or without” she had to go without, even though playing tennis without a bra is pretty fucked up.

She will always be a hero for women everywhere <3

I thank my lucky stars that I was able to inhabit the world at the same time as her.

“Taken out of context”—Woody Allen said the same thing today. It is the go-to defense for celebs who open mouth, insert foot.

No shit, and I know I’m never buying DK again, and likely they won’t be either. And I’m not for chastising people for everything they say, but in this case I think she deserves whatever backlash she gets from this. She was preeeeeeeeetty clear on her stance at the time of the interview.

“After checking my company’s stock ticker, it occurs to me that I misspoke.”

Its never a double post with Carry.

yeah, she would’ve been burning shit up like like lava.

f-n double post :/

“And don’t forget the work I do in Haiti.”

It’s funny how everyone who had a bad take on Weinstein and has found themselves in the “Harassment defending” camp were all taken out of context.

At least she didn’t blame Hillary Clinton.

Maybe stick to “I just went off on something that I shouldn’t have, and I apologize profusely. I regret it so strongly.” Then shut your face and go away for a while.


She still said what she said.

“My statements were taken out of context...”

“My statements were taken out of context...”