
Who’s to say Pence doesn’t go down with him? In fact, this seems likely to me.

Literally his only redeeming quality. Lmao. Image introducing your shitty friend Chad to your girlfriend’s friends. ‘ hey girls, this is Chad! He won’t accidentally get you nuked’

OMG! That’s why he’s tightening visa restrictions all over the place!

I said just the tip, Roger!

I’m so fucking sick of hearing this. YES I WANT MIKE PENCE because he’s a knowable, predictable kind of evil. He won’t be able to wrangle this congress any better, and we may live to see 2020.

Mel’s running over her assassins contacts from the old country and wondering which ones she can sneak past the immigration authorities.

Very well. Here’s a creampie instead:

1) yes

“Lack of political skill” and “Abrasiveness” are far too generous. Remember, this is the same guy who had to be told to turn around so that he could finish the bill signing ceremony yesterday. He’s probably going to start World War III, and he has no clue what states he’s the President of.

For a while, I was not gung-ho on Trump’s impeachment because I don’t want someone with ass backwards beliefs who actually understands the system in the Oval Office. Now, as I prefer to not be dead, I think I’m okay with Pence for a little while.

I disagree with Mike Pence on virtually all the issues, but I’d still find him infinitely preferable to Trump. I can be reasonably certain, for example, that Mike Pence would not start a nuclear war because someone tweeted something mean about him. Mike Pence, for example, would not abandon our NATO allies to Russian

Is President Pence really that much worse an option than President Trump? I mean, the orange asshole just gave a speech at the Values Voters Summit, so he’s obviously not opposed to fucking over LGBTQ folk and women. And how much chaos can Trump cause that the Republicans weren’t trying to do anyway? Trump is all

You’re a special human and we’re all the better for it.

I mean, if she leaked those things anonymously she could still collect from Donald...

Pence is awful, but in addition to not being a complete lunatic, his near-complete lack of charisma and association with 45* would make him a heavy underdog in the 2020 election.

Also: Anyone who thinks we don’t already have President Pence is kidding themselves. He may not have the title, but everything he wants done is getting done. We need to get rid of the talking circus peanut so we can stop obsessing about tantrums destroying the world.

Are you joking? trump could start World War III in a fit of pique. Pence is predictable evil. We can work against Pence, but we have to live through trump first.

Melania Trump is rethinking her prenup and nda right about now, isn’t she?


Mike Pence probably won’t accidentally start a nuclear war with North Korea.