
My cat winks at me when she really really wants me to feed her. Other than that, no, no purpose at all.


Could someone redo this GIF so she punches him in the face, then he’s dragged across the floor by a black female cop? Please? That would really make my day.

Looks like we found the MRA on the thread.

So you’re being willfully obtuse? Ok, let me clear it up.

I’m glad you’re standing up for the victims. No, the real victims.

you don’t know them. They live in Canada.

Now now, my friend. Be kind, after all Harvey is the REAL victim here. His freedom of speech was just raped, for God’s sake!

The random wink to a stranger is the wordless equivalent to ‘you’re mine’ or ‘I own you’. It’s not benign.

Wait ... wait ... we are getting another faint signal from Planet BadTakes ... squabba sqaubba Values Voter summit.... Oh, it’s Dana Loesch! Let’s hear her opinion on the culture of toxic masculinity:

Seriously. The mansplaining going on over this is off the goddamned CHARTS.

I feel so much better today knowing that Woody fucking Allen has weighed in.

No, dude. Read the first sentence of my post. I’m not talking about a random male being asked about the situation. There is plenty he can say - eg what those women described is horrible and should never happen again. What we don’t need is a male interpretation of women’s problems. And speaking out beforehand? That

This is what I always ask when people insist that women lie about sexual assault to get ahead in their careers. Can you name one woman — even one — whose career has benefited from making sexual assault accusations? They never can, but they usually mumble something about how there’s lots of women we don’t know about

Seriously, what the fuck is the purpose of winking anyway. It may have once been a coded kind of seduction, but now it is just plain weird. A guy I worked with used to do it in a sort of “we are co-conspirators” way (I think) but he wasn’t coming on to me (I think) — it’s just confusing ... don’t do it.

Who winks at random women anyway. That’s trademark douche bag behavior. People who do that will likely do worse.

now maybe roman polanski will chime in...

1. Can you name a case of a guy winking at a woman at work and then having to call a lawyer?

2. But also don’t wink at women you work with. What are you even thinking with that?

Dear Men,

Oh, thank God: I was afraid that Woody Allen wasn’t going to put his five-cents in on this. It’s okay, everyone! Woody Allen has spoken!