
I get what you mean, but it’s like, I’ve felt a low grade depression since he’s won, and I don’t think I can do it anymore. Ever since the election, it’s like there’s this cloud hanging over the world, and I can’t even imagine a future, that feeling, that I would feel with this cloud lifted. I know it sounds dramatic,

I find his mimics and gestures are vulgar and incredibly gross. I didn’t like him before, but since his ascend to power through appealing to hate and fear, it’s downright revolting. I can’t watch and barely listen.

A DC friend told me that we should start seeing indictments by November — low hanging fruit. But that Trump won’t be far behind. Let’s not give up just yet!

I’m the same way. I occasionally stop for a few days, maybe a week, but then I come back and I’m like JESUS EFFING CHRIST WHAT NOW.

I am NEVER going to be resigned to this hellish administration. Half of my phone contacts are congress critters, and their staffs know me.

I have to read transcripts. Can listen to him any more. Or watch. I’ll tune in if he falls off a podium.

Absolutely. When he started freaking out on NBC, I started checking NBC more often and just after news o’clock on Friday (which is also a regular thing), boom. There was the story.

Let me start this by saying that I know how important self-care is, and I totally understand people disconnecting time to time, because let’s face it, this is some seriously exhausting shit and I know it’s not easy to face it every single day. I watch the news a lot, and there are entire weeks where I have to turn it

“Fix them!” = Please spay and neuter your Trumps!

I can’t over the hand gesture...

Every photo of him speaking is so cringe inducing...

It’s quite simple. Their reasoning is they’ve been told they would have to pay (taxes) for other people to use health care. They don’t want to give money to help someone else. They don’t care that it effects themselves because they won’t have health care, they think they’ll never have to use it since they’ve been

“The wonderful people of Puerto Rico, with their unmatched spirit, know how bad things were before the H’s. I will always be with them!”

Does anyone else look at Trunp’s speaking face, his mouth scrunched up into an O shape, and think he looks absolutely ridiculous? He actually looks as dumb as he sounds. Every photo of him speaking is so cringe inducing, I have a negative physical reaction every time I see one.

“It just defies logic. Like.... all of it.”

It just defies logic. Like.... all of it.

“Becerra added that Trump’s order is “essentially a $7-billion dollar tax increase for working families trying to hold onto their health insurance.””

I. Just. Don’t. Get. It. Why is providing health care for people who need such a difficult thing in the USA? Seriously, I’d love to get a psychological profile done on people who support Trump on this.

Serious question, even if nobody will see it in the grey, but what can I do? I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes when I was 2 years old. I’ve been calling my representatives but thats not going to help because they either don’t care (cruz and cornyn) or can’t do anything about it given the state of the house