
Or she is probably dealing with her own sexual assault and has no idea what a healthy sexuality looks like because Weinstein looks normal to her.

Yachting News headquarters is CrazyDaysandNights.net. Have a look through Blind Items Revealed.

Nah, she can still do sex work in Dubai based on her name recognition alone, long after other yacht girls have retired. Plenty of wealthy men will pay for sex with a Disney princess even well past her prime, just for bragging rights. And this is almost definitely what she’s doing, given her location and the fact that

I honestly think she is so messed up and has such a watped sense of boundaries that she has trouble differentiating between sex between two consenting adults and sexual abuse

I have never even heard of the yacht-girl, so this is a head slapper. It also makes me wonder what other kinds of kinky shit is going on out there that I’ll never know about.

Oh girl I hear that. But I wasn’t thinking a Yacht Girl doc would focus on Lindsay Lohan. I just thought a more general look at the phenomenon would be interesting. You hear so many veiled references to yacht girls– but the details are all so obscure. I imagine it to be both glamorous and sleazy at the same time.


It’s kind of amazing when you think about it. There are thousands of images of Miranda Kerr online that could make you think, “Wow. I wish I was FREE like that beautiful, young, healthy girl I see just jogging through life.” When in reality, Miranda Kerr is chattel. Like, apparently highly valued, well paid for

I agree. I can almost hear her asking herself “ how can I use this to my benefit?”

Apparently the alternative is to still be a movie star, giving Harvey Weinstein hand jobs and massages, watching him shower and jerk off into planters.

Right? It’s all so veiled in mystery. Yacht Girl would make a fascinating documentary.

So basically she lays around in a bikini, coked to the gills, somewhere in the Persian Gulf until some Saudi billionaire decides to pee on her (from what I’ve read on the interwebs)? Sounds like hell.

Yes on the blow. Also paid with use of an apartment in Dubai, etc.

Lindsay Lohan: I’m at home in Dubai

This is fascinating to me. How much does a “yacht girl” make? Or do they just pay her in Home Depot sized buckets of blow?

She’s working as a “Yacht Girl” - ie goes on yachting trips with rich men who remember Mean Girls, for money.

What is Lindsay Lohan doing in Dubai?

Does Lindsey understand that Harvey can no longer help her careers- not the “acting” one or the yachting?

Sounds to me like Lindsay’s hoping that being the only person publicly in Weinstein’s corner might earn her favor if Harvey ever returns to power. Fuck her. Not even a pre-scandal Harvey Weinstein could have resurrected her career.