
Nope. Ex-presidents and former First Ladies get to keep their secret service details after they leave office, but other members of the former first families do not. As both Sasha and Malia are over 16, they would have lost their protection the day their dad left office.

Much like The Beastie Boys his lyrics may have evolved as he’s matured. Just because he spouted misogynist bullshit at 20 doesn’t make him one currently. (I honestly don’t know anything about the current content of his lyrics.) Full disclosure: I’m from Detroit where he places just behind Bob Seger as our most low key

What really killed me was in the report where Gwynneth said something along the lines of “But Uncle Harvey, what are you doing?!” You KNOW he has known her and Angelina since they were little girls.

Just disgusting.

You mean like 8 mile?

It was TWC. And my instinct tells me he wouldn’t do anything to Malia. Besides, Michelle Obama would kill him. She’d go all Bill The Butcher on him. (I just watched Gangs of New York so its in my head right now.)

I thought Paltrow and Jolie’s family connections would’ve protected them, too. It might’ve been the Secret Service or an older intern that offered her a spare parka.

I know it isn’t really relevant to the present situation, but didn’t he break up with Minnie Driver while being interviewed by Oprah? Like Minnie didn’t even know they were broken up until the episode aired? I’ve generally liked him when he’s interviewed and I’ve heard he’s nothing but professional on set, but he

yeah... sixth grade me who was completely obsessed with him and knew every word to his album, including stuff I didn’t necessarily understand at the time, like snorting coke would be dying right now.

That’s what I thought! I saw the screencap and was like “who is that??”, then saw the headline, and my lady boner wilted into a question mark

I don’t like eminem that much, but damn this was well-done, full of authentic rage and truth, and carthartic AF to watch.

What makes it cool is that he “free-styled” it off the top of his head. Its one of his talents that made him famous.

I don’t know anything about rap, but this didn’t seem that great in terms of the rapping per se, though I appreciate the sentiment. I do think that Eminem looks really attractive here, handsome even, a feeling which confused me...

Yeah, but he tried it with Jon Voigt’s daughter and Bruce Paltrow’s daughter, among many others. I think he got a special thrill from scaring/upsetting daughters of famous/powerful men. I’d have a long talk with Malia if I were her Mom or Dad.

I would think he would never try to assault the presidents daughter. I would think a lot of things and I have been proven wrong frequently this year.

Matt Damon tried to discredit Effie Brown when she raised the topic of diversity on Project Greenlight, then he turned around and made The Great Wall in all of its white savior complex. He’s claiming to be repulsed by the allegations against Weinstein and had no idea the piece that was killed in ‘04 was about this

I was so, so worried about Malia when she took that internship with TWC (or maybe it was Miramax?). Obviously, her name likely protected her, but at the same time you don’t want anyone that young, or anyone at all really, to end up anywhere near these kinds of people and situations.

you are deeply ignorant and thoughtless if you assume abusers stop abusing the moment they walk through their own door. The wives and children of men like Cosby and Weinstein often bear the brunt of their behaviour. They are often in even more precarious positions than the rest of his victims though so they are less

Except “Mrs. Cosby” is still married to him and defending him, so your analogy makes no logical sense.