
A few Sundays ago I decided to change my walking routine and went to a lovely lake nearby, where a lot of people were bathing and just enjoying the sun. Well, some of those people were groups of young men hanging around the lakeshore watching the girls in bathing suits. Mind you, heavily overweight me was wearing a

I’m so so sorry! I’m glad you went through with the dance but hate that you had to experience sexual harassment at all.

A senior nurse at the mental health ward where I was admitted after a suicide attempt after a “friend” raped me asked me what I was wearing that night. I told a younger doctor about the nurse’s question and she ripped that nurse a new one. It was behind closed doors, but the whole ward heard it. Heh

me walking my dog with a literal bag full of shit in my hands

Ugh, I’m so sorry for this. Being catcalled in religious wear? Just awful. Trying to take beauty and love and make it dirty. I’m so sorry.

I’ve been catcalled in a snowsuit in the middle of a snowstorm with my face covered by a scarf. I’m pretty sure the only way he could tell I was a woman is that the scarf had a flower knitted onto it.

I usually hear this from men but the “shut up, you’d have it worse if you were in ____”is something I hear implied to women and minorities all the time along with “don’t like it? Go home!”. Consider yourself lucky you’re tolerated here and don’t rock the boat.

Oh, I don’t know what the hell she’s talking about. You’re barking up the wrong tree if you want clarity here. I mean, she brings up Haiti and Africa as a comparison. Like wtf? Countries like Haiti are in impoverished and in some African countries, women are treated worse than cattle. It’s strange to bring up

I once was terribly hungover on a Sunday afternoon and dragged myself out of bed to go get a bagel (only because it would have taken 90 minutes for delivery) wearing giant Juicy sweatpants from middle school and my dad’s size XL moth eaten Knicks t-shirt and some man came up to me, grabbed my arm, and asked me why I

I think she’s slyly trying to imply this is coming from nothing but starlets who showed up for auditions in skimpy clothes and are bitter they didn’t get all they were bargaining for. People like her know exactly what they’re doing by smearing the victims and putting images in people’s minds. Sexy clothing or even

I posted about this in SNS, but was probably like the 400th comment. Last Saturday, I got catcalled when I was wearing traditional, on my way to a sunrise ceremony. I stopped at a McDonald’s near the reservation and went inside to use my travel mug for coffee. When I’ve been catcalled before, it didn’t affect me much

Also, the topic is Weinstein’s conduct toward women at work. Does Donna think a production assistant is slinking around in a Balmain mini dress and stilettos while making copies? I know it shouldn’t matter what a woman is wearing, just an observation of how she started her defense way off base.

I know that other things in this story are more important, but I always go nuts when fat sacks of shit think women who aren’t skin and bones are disgusting pigs.

Showing ankle were you? Tsk, tsk.

So true. Also? What a fantastically stupid thing to do, Donna! I know lots of rich people are inept at doing 99% of common bullshit, but this is a step above.

It’s sad but I believe some women, particularly a lot of older women, feel the same way as Donna Karan. I’ve heard women say “well, what did she expect dressed like that?” SMH It’s heartbreaking to hear but not surprising. It’s like they were raised to always absolve the man of any personal responsibility.

I give her a day before she posts a non apology-apology. she’s in real trouble if she doesn’t apologise, means nobody cares enough about her brand to notice when she messes up so badly.

So I can’t get hired unless I show my tits and I can’t accuse someone of sexual harassment unless I look like I’ve never had sex. Screw Karen. What a horribly tone-deaf, insensitive, sexist comment to make.

I can believe she didn’t know. She predates him and had her own clout before he appeared on the scene. She didn’t need anything from him, so he had nothing to coerce her with.