

Now is a great time for that story!

Yup. The director said their first choice was to have Tilda Swinton be Pennywise. That would have been incredible.

Make Pennywise a woman and you have your next smash hit.

Alternative pitch “Millennials killed Blade Runner 2049: Dirty poor people continue to not spend their food money”.

But yes, the first film was also not a financial success, and to its credit in terms of being a sequel no one asked for, actually is a decent film (in terms of being a blade runner film, which is NOT

They can bring back the intermission when they stop showing me 20 minutes of commercials when my movie is supposed to start

The first one didn’t do much business at the box office and attained more of a cult following than the typical movie that receives a sequel.

In this hellscape our country is rapidly descending into, I truly appreciate that you took the time to notice Trump learning a new word. It did bring a little smile to my face.

The quiet toddler is the best “concern” on the list. When mine is silent, I imagine destruction and multiple hematomas, but Fat Ass 45 has me numb with resignation because the terror is more than my brain can handle. Mandarino is the four horsemen of the Apocalypse in one portly body.

It’s easy to be principled once you’re retiring.

You know what gives me *concern*, Bob? The likelihood of cat vomit in my shoe.

Eh, talk is cheap. Corker is retiring, he can afford to be honest. I’ll give Republicans credit for having a backbone when they actually start to vote against the shit Drumpf is doing- *while simultaneously trying to hold onto their seat.

*I see you, John McCain- cancer does not a hero make.

I am always rather pleasantly astonished at the appearance of Republicans with morals, ethics, and some backbone. I tend to forget that they exist.

Mortal Dictata is currently my least favourite commenter. Every iteration of The Jez Commenatariat has one of these. Someone who is apparently on every article and in every thread, spammy as hell and full of smug condescension. But this one has a bullying edge that is both irksome and tiresome. I’m not at all

I am 100% ashamed to say I had somehow gotten Harvey Weinstein and Harvey Fierstein conflated in my head and just assumed the actor had become a huge producer.

I think DJTJr vastly over-estimates the value of the Harvey Weinstein story as fodder for late-night TV. What exactly would an SNL skewering of Harvey Weinstein look like? While the guy has some name recognition, it’s not like he’s a visible cultural icon. If you were to poll the country, I would guess that 75% of

Please by all means, help yourself. If only there were other places on the internet where Harry Potter were discussed...but since I can think of literally no other place like that, go ahead and jack my thread.

So where was he, and the rest of the conservative community when Roger Ailes, and Bill O’reilly were exposed? Oh, that’s right, the were busy painting the women who came forward as money hungry, attention whores. And don’t forget, Trump called Ailes a fine man, and hired him as an advisor.

I hate all the trumps with the burning fire of a thousand suns, and wish them nothing but unscratchable genital itching, but he’s not wrong.