
The details coming out on this are really too much - and the details are all over the tabloid newspapers looking at you from the supermarket check out line. But the fact that his pc was stocked with videos featuring all manner of torture, murder and violent fetiches is hair raising.

Everything about this story makes me sad. I’ve taken huge risks too in pursuit of a story. Hell, I got followed by a serial killer! I wish women in journalism could just, you know, do our jobs and not have to worry about gendered violence.

[OP] was berated for suggesting there could be anything more to the story.

Last year I read a couple of groupie memoirs and I recall one, in particular, who seemed to be trying to force the “wow, it was so awesome” theme onto what mostly seemed like coming of age floundering. Certain bands were too “stuck up” or “boring” to give her the time of day and all I could think was “no, they were

But as soon as you ask, “But why was she...” in reference to a woman being attacked, it puts the focus on the why, and not on the what happened, especially when the why has already been determined, and it’s something that would not have been questioned if it had been a man.

You’re going from 0 to 60, not us. We’re saying, “You’re blaming the victim, and that’s never right.”

The only person who can answer that is dead, but as her friend was explaining, sometimes you don’t KNOW the angle until you talk to the person—hence the “pre-reporting” that freelance journalists do. I’ve been a journalist, and if I want to profile someone, I don’t necessarily go into it with a specific angle. I ask a

If you start a sentence with, “I don’t want to ____, but...”, just stop right there.

Because a horrible waste of skin took a “bizarre” scenario that we’ve never put in our “reasonable fear” list of things and places and people to worry about and made it real. He made a movie or thriller novel a real thing.

I get sport-fucking for fun and giggles.

It may seem glamorous

Why are the commenters making excuses, Wall as a journalist went to do a story and was murdered. Would you be questioning a male journalist as to why he would go on board a vessel? This is absurd. The fact is she was murdered period.

I want to understand what was going on with this story, because as other journalists have pointed out, there’s a piece of the puzzle we’re not getting. It’s not her fault some crazy guy murdered her.

Thank you! Dan Savage is in the Bill Maher camp for me. While they both say things at times that I 100% agree with, they completely ruin whatever favor they garner by saying the absolute worst possible shit the very next moment.

No, what led to Trump winning was LYING, It’s the one thing Trump is exceptionally good at. He won over otherwise blue voters by promising them them feats that were improbable at best, impossible at worst and often directly at odds with his own party’s platform.

Anyone who saw this money-laundering white supremacist incompetent asshole rile up their hateful base and thought to themselves “yeah, but she seems bitchy” and stayed home is NOT DECENT. Anyone who thought that a self-proclaimed sexual abuser was better than that uppity woman who needed to be taken down a notch

I would imagine Joe Biden might be a good choice to face up against Trump’s bully idiocy. Although I have to admit I know little about what he’s up to these days. His son’s death was tragic and I totally understood his distancing from potentially running in 2018.

What led to Trump winning was that this country is a sexist, racist dumpster fire and people here vote for president as they would for prom court.


Thank you for this, Aimée - I was thinking about this on the way home from work LAST NIGHT. Are you reading my mind?