
I agree. He had the submarine built as his personal killing room (whether this was always the intention or if he got the idea later is anyone’s guess) and my guess is he went through with it then panicked, realizing he had no real way to get away with it so he tried to cover it up as an accident. If only he was

If she truly did hit her head, wouldn’t he have tried to get her help before assuming she was dead and trying to sink the sub? And if she really was obviously dead, why not call the local police to report an accident?

From what I’ve read he doesn’t even admit to dismembering her. Fuck this dude.

So thankful you embedded portions of Sonia Paul’s essay. Because Kim wasn’t there on assignment I’ve seen people write some libelous things about why she might have gone on the sub, but Paul’s explanation of how freelancers do a first sweep of their sources in order to better pitch the article to news agencies not

“She banged her head on the hatch and died and my first thought was ‘well, better cover this up, where’s my dismembering knife?’ Then my second thought was ‘well, better sink my submarine now’.”

The dark web REALLY scares me.

Thank you to the ladies at Jezebel. I know you put up with a lot of regular shit from awful people, and I am so grateful that you muck through it to give a very public voice for women. Something like telling a story shouldn’t require the amount of bravery currently necessary for women to speak up, and I’m glad you’re

I was naive and I had hope it was more of a case of her possibly exposing some fraud he committed, and him killing her when he realized she was on to him. But no, it’s another case of man killing a woman all so he can get his rocks off.

And his excuses are so absurd. Dead women on your computer? Maybe hacked. Dead woman on your sub? Maybe an accident. Both together? You’re going away for a long time.

The BBC reports that forensics have revealed stab wounds on Wall’s torso, and images on Madsen’s computer of women being tortured and murdered.

I love how you talk about children in foster care like they’re homeless animals in a shelter. Never mind the fact that your understanding of children who are eligible for adoption is grossly inaccurate, especially when considering that keeping foster children with their biological family is a top priority with the

I have a 17 month old and I will loudly and at length talk about my shitty pregnancy, fucked up 40 hour labor traumatizing birth, and 15 months of breastfeeding to anyone who makes the mistake of asking me anything about my kid. People do not talk about any of this shit nearly enough so I may as well do it.

I’m not a woman

For me, personally, I felt like a freak and a failure. It certainly doesn’t help that you can see pregnant people but infertile people don’t look any different than anyone else so you have this visual of success around you. And once you have one everyone starts kind of whispering “I had one too” and you realize you’re

But if you don’t ask, then you’ll never know if she will say no, or won’t answer...and then how will you discern if she is SILENTLY AND SMUGLY JUDGING YOUR LIFE CHOICES?

No one ever should ask a woman if she is planning or not to have babies.

Kirstie no, now is not the time to make this or reframe the conversation about you.

We had three miscarriages before our daughter. It was the hardest thing I’ve ever gone through... made even harder by social media and the fact that it felt like everyone around me was announcing a pregnancy or a birth. I feel for Gabrielle, couldn’t imagine going through that’s heartache while also being in the

At my yearly physical, my amazing internist was telling me that she wished women could talk more openly about their miscarriages, that there is such sorrow and isolation that’s associated with them. That it’s something that happens, and quite often, but it’s still devastating. I’m so happy you now have a precious

We went through 3 miscarriages and 1 stillbirth before our lovely 2 year old boy joined our family. It’s an emotional hell I wish upon no one.