
“Bilzerian is in the news now because, as the Washington Post reported on Tuesday, he found himself in the midst of the Las Vegas massacre on Sunday, and, like any good social media addict, immediately began filming himself, including the fact that he fled the scene in a since deleted clip where he proclaims, ‘I’m

This very much relates! Whenever someone shows me a Twitter feed I usually have no idea what’s going on at all. None of it seems to be linear which confuddles the life out of me, and that’s coming from someone who’s used to reading Kinja threads!

He looks like every dude on Tinder in San Diego.

WARNING: Don’t go to his twitter page. He has a saved photo of the killer after he’s shot himself. It is horrifying. This guy is a tiny-dicked trustfunding douchenozzle extraordinaire. So glad that marine called him out. And yeah, anyone is going to run when shot at. But look at his gun collection - how’s that saying

Freaky how much he looks like my BIL.

You say that like I don’t mock Garth Brooks.*

“Stem cells cure autism but for some reason the US won’t approve them. Why? It couldn’t possibly be that I’m too stupid to realize how ignorant I am!”

Ugh. He’s also the same asshole that threw a porn actress off a roof into a pool. I think she broke her foot and had to sue him because she couldn’t perform for a while and lost her only source of income. He’s so fucking gross and a total piece of shit.

Yes exactly. All those things I listed don’t make him an asshole per se, just a peek at his Instagram, he’s definitely an asshole. Imagine if he didn’t objectify women, used his money for good, or at least not flaunt it, and used his platform to teach about gun control/safety?

Oh wow I would be really shocked to hear that someone like that has been violent towards women.

What is Mel, I’m a fucking Catholic, Gibson hanging out in a stem cell clinic. I thought they were all dead set against this!

My first thought when I heard about the shooting was “country music festival...there must have been more than one good guy with a gun there to protect himself.”

WTF is even happening in that top photo. Did the Brawny towel guy murder Isaiah Mustafa and steal his Old Spice commercial?

Were his initials possibly MD? Because yes, he is an ignorant, grandstanding cunt.

Whaaaaaaa? For the sake of argument, let’s say she’s a slut, and let’s say being a slut is bad. Even that being the case, what in the name of Amber Rose could that have to do with a terrorist attack?! I didn’t follow the coverage closely enough, clearly; I had no idea she got a hard time. Jesus. What the ever-loving

My response to velvet cloaks and new vibrators: yes, please.

I totally agree! When I learn something here, it sticks with me. I loved following your and Holly’s thread here, BTW!

What I love about that movie is that it’s one of the few times on screen that we’ve seen a pregnant woman not being a damsel in distress but being an agent of her own will. She doesn’t need saving and isn’t delicate just because she is with child. In her first scene, she vomits and then moves on with her work like all

ME NEITHER. Peter Dinklage as a love interest!

“Frances McDormand is here. Frances, can I just say, I love you. You are the only person in this room that I would save in a fire.” -Amy Poehler, speaking for me.