
“Salad” is probably the wrong word considering the man eats like a fucking garbage disposal.

You just made me laugh with my mouth full of coffee. And to amuse myself, from now on, I will imagine he is having a stroke every time he speaks.

Sounds like Trump’s been taking Speech classes from Caribou Barbie

I lost it at childproof bathroom lock fixes all

I am goddamn WISTFUL for the days of Sarah Palin. She was just dumb as shit, she wasn’t dangerously mentally ill.

This is just one of his many many problems. He expects praise for doing shit that IS HIS FUCKING JOB.

And his second tweet down about “big decisions” needing to be made about rebuilding Puerto Rico? Like maybe he doesn’t support rebuilding? I.e a brown community might not be worth the expense and effort? He is such a Nazi. Like literally. What a cruel and bigoted piece of crap.

This cracked me up:

He took the Sarah Palin Course in Public Speechifying and Word-Salading.


“The loss of life, it’s always tragic. But it’s been incredible.

True. When he first started in (it now seems like years ago) on “Puerto Rico is in the middle of the ocean” surrounded by “ocean water,” I had no idea what he was saying, but I knew it meant Puerto Rico was basically going to be on its own, as far as Trump was concerned.

lol yer man in that gif is like Babadook: The Early Years

What I love is that because Trump waited to see if the furor over Price would die down he’s robbed of the slight victory of being able to fire him. Price had enough time to pull the ol’ “You can’t fire me, I quit!” move.

No talk of the Obama speech in Canada? One good quote.

my money says not now!

He better be paying the whole bill, not just for his seat.

My feelings are expressed through gif. I’m glad to see him go and see yet another enormous stain on this shit pile of an administration.

He’s still paying back the fucking bill, right?