
I just have to say, that gif is so utterly adorable I can barely stand it.

Case in Point: My own dad. :\

Congratulations to them. And well done to them for publicizing surrogacy and Kim’s ill health and showing anyone can have fertility issues no matter their age or income bracket.

I just want to say, thank you for titles dirt bag as dirt bag again. It’s probably been this way for awhile, but I just noticed today and am forever grateful. I hated missing out on the gossip but was so hesitant to click on a hedi and Spencer post thinking, “maybe it’s a dirt bag?”.

Probably as a result of trying to look younger for her geezer husband. Which is disturbing on so many levels. He would pressure women into plastic surgery they didn’t need and weren’t sure they really wanted, it probably happened to her too.

And with this announcement, Kardashian Ko. Q4 shareholders meeting is complete and looking fruitful.

I literally have been hearing this for so long that I had no idea it wasn’t confirmed.


Don’t forget all the times she sat of Fox and Friends talking about how sexual harassment was a hoax.

America’s Dads That Think They Understand History have to read something, you know.

So he paid airport prices for a book that he didn’t read while being stuck at the airport? Don’t sound real smart. The whole point of those stores is you are a captive audience therefore they can fleece you for things to help you pass the time.

Gretchen, honey.......

No, with Hillary there was zero hope she’d get the tax cuts Trump may get her. That’s the only issue this one really cares about.

Are those real sales or orders from bookstores that may or may not ever sell? I only ever see O’Reilly’s books in two places at bookstores- in full, glorious display at the launch and dumped in suspiciously large quantities in the bargain bins a few months later. I just don’t get what’s going on there.

Do you think if what she knows now, would she have voted for Hillary?

That simultaneously makes no sense and doesn’t surprise me in the slightest.

Gretchen, dear, you worked for a network that promotes misogyny, racism, classism, and all that other bullshit.

“This is why everyone should care about it. We shouldn’t be separated by politics.”

That his books sold at all is still unfathomable to me.

FWIW, O’Reilly’s latest book only sold half of what his previous books did in its first week in the stores. It still was #2 on the bestseller list but it was behind Hillary’s book. Hopefully his brand will go to shit now that he’s lost his bully-pulpit