
So the priesthood is finally embracing some diversity

Oh yeah... I’m sure it is. But what’s the reasoning of taking that option away from victims. Whether they win or not. I know the real insidious reasons behind it, but I’m curious what was presented to the public as to why there is a limit.

Yeah just curious what the lawmakers presented it to the public as...

How convenient: import your own victims, and the act of importing them becomes their cage.

I read the headline and thought “At least they’re women not kids?” Which is still awful, but in my mind felt like the teensiest bit of progress. And then I read the piece. Fuckity fuck.

Trump is holding their passports hostage and requiring them to pay full fare on evacuations.

FFS, this administration has to be dragged kicking and screaming into doing the most basic governing.

I think this situation is just another data point in demonstrating Trump’s white supremacist mindset. (Not that you or I need another data point, but...)

But don’t worry—evacuees will be held financially responsible for the cost of their flights, signing IOUs and surrendering official ID; so, as you can see we’re being financially responsible holy shit I wish I was joking around.

It’s about time someone else starting using that to reference him.

It’s all the Puerto Ricans fault

I made the mistake of reading responses to Sarah “Resting Bitch Face” Huckabee’s tweet. Now I want to smack the taste out of a lot of dumb asses mouths. The worst is one fool who is Puerto Rican, living on the mainland, thanking the Trump administration for their leadership and help. I responded to her that she should

How many people died waiting for them to get their thumbs out of their asses?

do people not know that you can use punctuation after @-ing someone on twitter?

It states that anything shipped between points in the United States must be on boats that are American-made, owned and operated.

And boy, oh boy, did it put them on the map!

Here in Evansville, the powers that be tore down the biggest hotel downtown to build a Hockey Arena which is a perfect example for your argument. Even though we drive our cars everywhere, some idiot from Indianapolis convinced our Mayor we could have a little Wrigleyville right here in small town Indiana. The arena

Nahh, that’s more of a Shelbyville idea.

This plan makes as much sense as building monorails in Brockway, Ogdenville, and North Haverbrook.