
I actually hear this a lot from Trump supporters. “People aren’t giving him a chance.!” “The Democrats are obstructing him!” “they criticize everything he does!” and other garbage. They’ll still be screaming this even a year from now. Even though the GOP controls the Senate and the House it’s all the fault of

Yep,I caught that too and was like...*crickets*

My husband and I accidentally watched this. I thought I was going to have a stroke.

I keep hearing this “paid by Soros” nonsense and I always ask people who say this why I haven’t gotten my Soros check yet. Especially since GOPers and Trump supporters make it sound like Soros is handing out money like people hand out Hallowen candy.

This election proved there are family members I don’t need a relationship with. Just because we’re related doesn’t mean we need to spend time together or interact in any way.

I was wondering if she votes via dartboard, or Magic 8-Ball.


Humans are tricksy in that regard. I imagine this lady voted for Obama either thinking he’d help her and others like her or wanted something different after the Bush Jr fiasco. That’s two of a million possible scenarios why she went Obama. I havn’t got a fucking clue as to why she went Trump. I know he’s certainly

I think the Bush-Obama-Trump progression is telling. I think this is someone who will persistently vote for “change,” because, in their mind, “change” for the country inevitably means “good change” - like suddenly they’ll get rich and stop being temporarily embarrassed millionaires. (Not to say they’d vote for any

I doubt that most Dolt 45 supporters ever used their brains much before the election. They are more like Pavlov’s famous dogs - salivate when the right sound bite is shouted, run for the food bowl. And thanks to GOP funding cuts state-by-state, willful ignorance and stupidity is now something to brag about.

I love that movie so much. And that scene pretty much nails America right now.

Facts = “whatever the police say why would they lie???”

My eyeballs fell out of my head when I got to the part about the OBAMA supporter having voted for TRUMP. Jesus fucking christ, nothing means anything anymore, it’s all absurd, what are we even fucking doing on this planet.

A+ gif usage. Blazing Saddles is the best Mel Brooks film.

Probably uses ALL CAPS for every politically related facebook rant too.

I don’t understand how you can vote for Obama and then the man that tried to oust him by starting that birtherism nonsense, and who is basically a white supremacist bred by white supremacists.

“... what the President is doing to this country” not “... what the President is doing for this country”.

RIP Cleavon Little & Gene Wilder. Such a great movie & duo! Siiiiiigh.

And I love what he’s doing ***to*** this country

I’m going to go out on a limb here and say that Tom is someone who constantly mixes up the use of their, they’re and there along with your and you’re, not to mention to, two and too.