
It’s almost comical to see the team owners all over cable tv this morning prostrating themselves with righteous indignation at Trump. This was the straw that broke their camel’s backs (not any of the egregious things until now). So now they’re sorry they openly supported Trump, stood on stages at his rallies and voted

Alas, the President can make the claim that as the head of the Executive Branch he’s not actually an employee of said branch. This same take is how his lawyers are arguing his right to hire Jared (employees can’t hire family members but Trump as the head of the EB isn’t an employee and thus isn’t subject to that

Not sure if anyone has mentioned this down thread, but the military is so involved in sports, specifically the NFL, because they spend millions of dollars advertising in hopes of recruiting minorities who won’t make it into the NFL. Minorities who will go fight old, white men wars and instead of CTE will end up with

he knows precisely how one thing works - conflation.

I stopped supporting the NFL a few years ago. Ray Rice was the straw that broke the camel’s back for me. After reading how many NFL owners donated to 45's campaign, I feel even more vindicated. However I am very proud of the athletes that have chosen this form of civil disobedience & those that support them. What I

Just as it was illegal for Sarah Sanders to call for that ESPN chick’s firing, it’s illegal for Trump to call for the firing of a buncha sportsball guys. Shut this cocksucker up.

remember, he has no idea how anything works.

It wraps what are purely commercial endeavors in the shiny veneer of cheap patriotism. By allying itself closely with God, flag, and country, a sport can establish itself as an indispensable part of national life, while coincidentally raking in even more cash from the hard-of-thinking.

If a player wants the privilege of making millions of dollars in the NFL,or other leagues, he or she should not be allowed to disrespect.......our Great American Flag (or Country) and should stand for the National Anthem. If not, YOU’RE FIRED. Find something else to do!

Yeah, I always thought it was unnecessary and strange. I wonder if high school players are kneeling during the anthem.

Genuine question: why does the National Anthem play before domestic sporting events? I understand playing them at like, the Olympics, where numerous different countries are competing against each other and it is kind of neat to hear each one, but when the Ravens are playing Patriots (for example) why do we need it?

Well, if they are going for “jury of your peers” (which, in my opinion, doesn’t really work), that would mean wealthy people (mostly white) are deciding the fates of poorer (mostly non-white) people.

Only people that are rich enough to be able to miss work should be on juries.

You tried.

I was on one (much lower stakes than a murder trial) and people were trying to rush the verdict because they couldn’t afford to miss so much work. I don’t know if it varies place to place but where I live you got paid $10 a day and if you had an hourly job (like I did at the time) missing work was a big fucking deal.

He often “wondered if black people even have souls.”

Trial by a jury of one’s peers is terrible. We’d be so much better off with a system of independent, professional jurors. I got stuck sitting on a murder trial that lasted 3 weeks. Only a few jurors paid attention, only a few took notes, everyone was pissed off about being there, and it was obvious that a good portion

The death penalty is one motivated entirely by religious views. If they die they go to hell but if they were innocent they go to heaven.

Fuck the death penalty, for exactly this reason.