
I have no idea who this Jon Lovett person is and at first thought you were talking about Jon Lovitz. Which seemed weird, but given Farrow’s background, still plausible.

I sure did read that as Jon Lovitz, and then I had to lie down for a bit and think about things.

Haha, same and I just googled to be like, whut? Why are we shipping this, isn’t that guy an asshole?

Ha! For several confusing minutes I thought you were talking about Ronan Farrow and Jon Lovitz, (who for some reason I mostly associate with that cameo on Friends when he was a stoned restaurant owner) and I was trying really hard not to judge

Thought Jon Lovett was Jon Lithgow for a minute - that really through me for a loop

I mean, I don’t see Woody.

I mean, if looks are anything to go by. . . Interesting tidbit, in the days before blood testing/DNA, to determine disputed paternity, judges would simply look at the alleged parent and child. That was perfectly legal.

When I read that my mind pictured Jon Lovitz and I was like this is a really weird joke that I don’t get.

Elsewhere I just called him Frank Jr. Because it’s insane if he’s not.

Separately, there is no way Sinatra isn’t Ronan’s dad, right?

I definitely read John ‘Lovitz’ and had a full on mental breakdown for a second there.

I read your comment as Ronan Farrow and Jon Lovitz. Yikes!

I almost made a complete fool of myself. I thought you guys were taking about Jon Favreau,  and I’ve tweeted back & forth with his wife about our dogs.

The only secret couple I want to see finally go public is Jon Lovett and Ronan Farrow.

I live here in Houston so what you are saying is beyond fucked up. People have lost lives behind this storm. We won’t truly know what the total death toll is because there is so much water all over the damn place. Yes people voted for Trump, hell no I didn’t but I don’t wish this on anyone.

“unfair burden”??? You freaking jackass. How is it a “burden”? You think you have some fucking birthright to wealth, privilege, and a life of ease and comfort? You fuckkng DON’T. That’s the POINT.

White people are mind-bogglingly stupid and short-sighted, because everything these people do is going to affect EVERYBODY.

And that is the true evil of most white people (disclaimer, I am a white boy): it’s not that they actively wish harm on others, they simply don’t give enough of a shit about them to think of them as human beings who actually matter. In individual cases that they know personally, maybe. But non-whites as a group ...

“middle America somewhere shortly after January 2009 decided to become the Joker in The Dark Knight”

Truth to all of this - middle America somewhere shortly after January 2009 decided to become the Joker in The Dark Knight. They just want to burn the whole thing down, fuck the consequences. Even now, after everything that’s happened in the last 8 months, 30-ish% of America will still cosign Trump and his