
Thor is not a farce.

And, realize that this is the house we know about. You can be sure the ones he has in tax havens and those held for him by shell companies are numerous and just as luxurious.

Usually a successful person’s real path to the top starts with having the same training, education or raw talent as many beginners but being given an unexpected opportunity by a contact because...reasons. It can be something as simple as the janitor who let’s them practice on the actual stage where they’ll audition.

It figures. These people are all terrible. That they prop each other up is exactly what I’d expect. I read that when a person has been scammed they’re told to be extremely vigilant because the first scammer will immediately sell their information to another scammer since they’re proven easy marks.

You’d be surprised at how well child predators hide their... Grossness. Can’t really blame the town. :/

Imagine running against him and losing. Where do you go from there?

Also Tyler Perry, and a sham author.

I don’t hate Oprah but ever since she promoted the Secret on her show, I’ve thought she’s the sort of rich loon who doesn’t want to admit that pure, dumb luck played a big part in their success no matter how hard they worked.

You mean Nordic Jesus is a farce!? Waaaaah!

Clearly the man has never heard of the Red Cross.

Joel Osteen is a Pharisee, in fact.

I do. I’ve never seen a worse judge of character. Whenever she gives someone her seal of approval, I automatically think they’re some sort of con artist.

Fuck Oprah for all that shit. And for Tyler Perry too. We can blame her for that can’t we?

A hearty “fuck you”. The “fuck you” that eats like a meal.

Oh, I’ll happily add a hearty “fuck you” to any rich person who gives money to prosperity gospel grifters.

This is Joel Osteen’s house. I’m sure his tax exempt charities are really efficient at getting all that donated money directly to the people who need it most and he won’t keep a dime of it. And if you believe that, I’ve got a charity of my own you can donate to.

Do you actually think that a person who didn’t offer people help when they clearly needed it and then lied about it will actually use that money for anything other than to enrich himself? Come on, you’re being so naive YOU’RE ridiculous.

I’ll second it...fuck you Tyler Perry.

Since no one else has said it, can I send a big fuck you to Tyler Perry as well? So you’re going to take money that you promised to people in need and put it directly into the pocket of an already-rich person because you think they’re great? Come on.

Speaking as a person, I think Joel Osteen is a rubbish person. Speaking as a Christian, I think Joel Osteen is an absolute garbage monster who is the one of the worst kind of Christians — the hypocrite.