
He just wants to get rid of everything was created by the black guy.

He just wants to get rid of everything was created before him and not creating anything new.

We’ll See: A Tragedy in Two Acts

Is there any way to stop or prevent this? Any members of Congress that can stand in the way? Any politicians we should be calling starting Tuesday?

So Trump’s version of kicking “bad guys” out of the country is to remove protections for dreamers who contributed 2 billion annually in taxes, have an employment rate of 91%, and have no criminal record?

Outrage fatigue at 10/10.

You would have to be a really shitty human being to want to get rid of this program. Oh wait...

Because all children love their parents. Even an abusive parent.

Yes, my parents did this too and it was awful. And then they got remarried to each other and argh, I hated them both for a while.

And she also deserves to have the support of both parents, not one parent who is a shit talking leech while her mother busts her ass. He needs to grow up and get a job and do for himself.

Are you kidding me? My parents talked shit about each other and I hated it. I felt guilty regardless of who I was with because enjoying time with Mom meant I was selling out Dad and vice versa. Your child should never, ever have to feel guilty for loving either of her parents or wanting to spend time with either

How does a fathers bad mouthing the mother hurt the child?

1st. It’s your kid’s mom. So by insulting mom, you are kind of insulting kid. Kid is 1/2 hers. Kid thinks, dad talks bad about mom, am I like that? What if I do something dad doesn’t like, will he talk about me like that? 2nd. Just totally douchey thing to do. Model being a grown up FFS. 3rd. She sounds better off!

My mom shit talked my dad for years. Regardless of her relationship with him, he’s half of me. If he’s terrible, am I terrible? Am I terrible for loving him? My mom made it pretty clear it was him or her, I could not love both. All it ended up doing was tearing me apart as a kid and driving me away from her, since

If he cannot be independent then arrange for him to go into a nursing home or halfway house. Tell him the men and the van are coming.

“Hi son! Your mother is a dumb bitch and I hate her! She’s worthless and I hope she chokes on her cereal! Now, let’s get packed up to go to mom’s, because I hate her, but you have to spend time with her anyway, even though she’s a terrible person.” You don’t think your kids wonder either a) if they should hate someone

How does a fathers bad mouthing the mother hurt the child? 100% honest question I have a young child and I absolutely hate his mother.

Because even if she’s an ax murderer, she’s still the kid’s mom and the kid will love her in some way no matter what? And if you tell your kid that mom sucks, the kid likely will worry that they 50% suck by being half mom. Kids are little sponges and even if that’s not how you mean it, it’s how they may internalize.

This is complete, utter nonsense. It’s not a question of what he deserves. That doesn’t even enter into it. It’s what the child deserves, and she deserves to have BOTH parents in her life.