
That is appalling, and depressing to boot.

Yay for your public school!

Ugh, that’s some dystopian level shit. Libraries and reading in general were and still are my jam (I actually have several t-shirts that announces that fact). I know this is a silly rhetorical question, but honestly, what are you teaching in a school that barely has any books??

Kids in the county can’t read yet the community chooses to focus on the bible?Makes plenty of sense to me.

The Bible*

I will be using “Letters from Phil Collins to Genesis” at some point in the future.

Gross. Libraries have always been a source of strength and sanctity for me.

My Christian middle school had a library about the size of my small walk in closet (it was the art and music class that had to share an old tiny trailer). Because it was Pre-K through 8th grade all the books were for young children or as you mentioned where bible related books... during my entire 3 years at that

Insurance. Sexy, sexy, insurance.

It’s not his fault the assignment was poorly enunciated.

Good news for you since is there is no hell!

How big was your graduating class and how many of those students went to college?

it’s going one huge Jez hangout, harlots.

I actually got kicked out Sunday school as a child for questioning everything.

Tangentially, as someone who tours religious schools regularly (preschool-college) for my job, let me tell you what I see written on the chalkboard is disheartening (anti-science stuff). Also, the size of libraries at these religious institutions is appalling. One college just had a makeshift trailer as their

Husband got kicked out of bible study because they asked him to draw a “pitcher of Jesus” and he drew a pitcher with a stick figure on it (He honestly couldn’t figure out they meant picture).

“Be excellent to each other. Except for the poor, they should pull themselves up by their bootstraps. If they don’t you have my permission to hate.” - Letters from Bill to Ted 4:20

I’m a graduate of both Mercer co WV schools AND this particular Bible Study class. Go ahead - ask me anything you like :)

I would have loved to join a bible study class when I was a little girl.

“There is a great deal of not just poetry and prose in the Bible, but from what I’ve read almost every piece of history that’s in the Bible has eventually been proven,” says Rev. Ray Hurt…