
We need to drain the cum swamp.

Look up his response to whether he supports the G.I. Bill. He obviously has no idea it’s a program to provide college tuition for veterans.

Oh no, those procrastinating stoners’ papers are far more intelligible (and intelligent) than this pablum Trump’s dribbling.

Don’t forget Nancy’s astrologer! I can’t believe I’m going to say this, but Reagan was way more intelligent than Trump. He was never this entirely incoherent- he mostly knew to shut up or say, ‘I don’t remember,’ when he got into difficulties. He also had much smarter, experienced people in his administration (even

This. Nancy and her team could run (and basically were running) that White House at the end from what I hear. And, let me tell you, Ivanka ain’t no Nancy Reagan and Melania sure as hell isn’t.

Did you read the rest of the quote? He has literal seconds of lucidity, that’s it, and he doesn’t really remember those seconds.

“Tear down this wall” may be Reagan’s most famous quote during his presidency, but his second most famous quote is “I think I don’t remember.” Fun times. But don’t worry! You didn’t miss anything because Trump is Reagan times a million and he’s surrounded by complete fucking idiots. We’re in for a wild ride.

I just tore a couch cushion in half.

He put ten down his pants.


I didn’t order the launch of those missiles, none of us did, and, guaranteed, we can all remember that the correct number of missiles is “59".

Not a linguist but studied it and various dead and alive languages in school, and had a close family member with dementia. I think his speech patterns sound like a combo of senility on the verge of dementia, lots of amphetamines, and his deep-seated fear that his deep truth is being laid bare, and he knows he is a

I think you might also want to include neurologists.

And they’re the same ones who bitch about how shitty their kid’s military pay is, or how long they have to wait for VA care. So they vote for whoever says the phrase “increased military spending”, and don’t understand that this spending is going directly into the pockets of military contractors instead of the troops

They’re all sith months. He’s Emperor Palpatine, if Palpatine were too fucking stupid to ever use the Force and just kept going, “ooooweeeeoooooo are you hypmotized yet?”

Ron Paul, Paul Ryan, Rand Paul he thinks they are one person.

Actual quote from the transcript: “You know, back when they did NATO there was no such thing as terrorism.” 

Unintelligible garble aside, why does the GOP continue to push the idea that we need to spend billions more on the military, cut taxes for everyone, and enact a law that requires a balanced budget? The stupid just hurts.

This is the speech pattern that grandpa has right before you have the uncomfortable conversation where you tell him he can’t live by himself anymore.

Linguists and language teachers, please weigh in. The last time I asked this it was fascinating. Hypotheses on what this imp’s language tells us about his non-abilities and attempts to speak?