
we (the artist and art appreciation communities) need to clear up what a “found image” is. i’ve seen too much of this bullshit where someone uses someone else’s recently created, easily recognizable and attributable work without credit calling it “found.”

Let’s all “find” everything he “creates” and sell t-shirts.

“I mean, sure that young black woman thought that she was expressing something? But it turns out I actually needed to ‘find’ it and express it. Again. For the community. The community ID.

These images are not “found”. Other artists created them. What a tool this guy is! We understand exactly what he’s doing. Stealing.

Oh so NOW he’s all about “found” images. Seems he wasn’t so forthright before he was busted for blatant plagiarism.

Let me fix that for him: “found” = Stolen.

“Sometimes the ID of a community cant be expressed through original work, but needs ‘found’ images”

Huh. He uses the term “found” the same way I use “liberated.” But I don’t steal peoples artwork and turn a profit for myself. I will liberate some extra ketchup packets. Maybe a glass if the service is that bad at a bar. I’m oddly more comfortable stealing a glass as a way to feel better about bad service than I am

Woah. Is he using the same PR firm as United?

Wow, what a useless wasted jagoff.

Seriously, if you have access to this...and you haven’t dumped your own money into this, meaning you don’t have to convince the emperor his clothes look fantastic...can you try the hand-squeeze experiment? I want my bloomberg news verified by a stranger on the internet.

Evans: This thing is going to be the Kuerig of juicers.

I mean that was a really long-winded way to say the juice is yummy. I believe that. For $7 a bag it better be yummy. If you find that to be a reasonable price for a glass of juice that’s OK. But you can squeeze it with your hands, not a $400 machine.

You just don’t give up. I love that. I will probably need you when my DRM Washing Machine & Dryer is tied to my new fashion line with QR codes on the tags so it will only wash my clothes hits the market next year. Oh and they will be both Blue tooth/WiFi enabled.

It better be the best goddamn juice ever if the pouches cost $7-9 for an 8 oz serving.

Apparently the bags are filled with pulpy/leafy/meaty bits of fruits and veggies, then the machine squeezes all of those down into juice, meanwhile dispensing said juice from its flappy, plastic bag nozzle. Someone at the top of the comments is shilling hard for it and seems to have all the info. Either way, this

Real talk: is it good juice????

A Keurig costs $100! A pod costs like ten cents each! They’re not good quality, but the people who use Keurigs are just trying to get a caffeine injection, they’re not looking for the best coffee available. These stupid things are $400, and the bags are $7, which means they’re trying to not only Keurigize it, but give

But its got WiFi!

It’s a $400 juicer that doesn’t actually juice. It just.. opens bags OF JUICE. Someone somewhere was told about this device, told that it literally pours juice from pouches of juice AND YET there are people (read: suckers) who invested millions in to this device.