
How are those two ideas related at all? He is claiming an identity of a group of people who’ve been abused for untold years and he is a liar. By doing so, he’s usurping the attention that should go to actual Native Americans and their lives and voices.

If something metal is designed in “the shape of a paperclip”, doesn’t that make it an actual paperclip?


I’m dying. Your dog is perfect.

Cannot. Look. Away.

If this ass does come to Chicago, I’ll be there. Fucker.

She is the Holocaust survivor.

We’re pro-choice, not pro-abortion.

This is also my brother. Everything is always someone else’s fault: the ex-wife, the cops, the bosses, and, of course, me. There’s a reason I haven’t spoken with him in close to three years.

I tried to watch . I did. But I couldn’t handle White Dude with Dreads. I noped out.

You are a good writer, but please get a proofreader.

You need to set up a GoFundMe for a hotel. I’ll contribute.

This is how I took it also. It’s the only thing that didn’t make my eyes roll.

WHAT THE FUCK. I don’t have anything more eloquent to say. I am so sorry.


Get out of my skull! I had exactly the same thought.

Can anyone tell me what those black lines are on Heidi’s arm? They don’t appear to be attached to anything. It’s bugging me.

This is not said to take away from any of these pieces that you’re writing. You need to have a second or third set of eyes on your articles before they go live. I’m very interested in what you’ve been writing, but the typos (especially in yesterday’s piece) and other awkwardly worded sentences are disrupting what

Am I crazy or is there something weird about the phrase “if I would have”? It could be that everything he says makes rage consume my flesh, but there’s something off about that for me.

This piece makes both him and his family sound insufferable. They pulled him out of school because he didn’t get a part in his fifth grade play? DIE.