

I don’t understand their origin story. Am I missing some context? Also, I despise these people. It’s a bold position to take, but that’s just who I am.

You are giving nothing BUT opinion. If you’re going to posit yourself as an expert, then prove it. Offer some actual, useful, and, most importantly, specific information if one is neither supposed to ignore violence between people nor call the police. Thrill me with your acumen.

I read every word you wrote. All I saw were vagaries and admonitions. And, no, I’m not trained in dealing with dangerous situations, so I tend to call the police, which is what happened here in Mississippi.

Eight people were killed because a person wanted to kill them.

I honestly don’t understand your point. What would be the alternative to either 1.) ignoring what’s happening or 2.) calling law enforcement?

My loins!


All I can wonder is how many of these girls and young women must be pregnant and/or have babies or toddlers now.

I also fail to see how great this is. She preyed on a child whom she was teaching.

*punches a wall*

I saw Wild Wild West in theaters THREE TIMES for Kenneth Branagh. I have also watched his version of Frankenstein many times for that one scene. If you love Branagh, you know the one I’m talking about.

You don’t know me, but I care about you. Please talk with me or with the suicide hotline. They’ve helped me a lot in the past. You aren’t alone in being terrified of this. You aren’t alone at all. It’s hard to remember that, but we need you.

That was smooth. Well played.


I’m reading these comments while using the facilities thank god because yours just made me pee again.

I came here to say the same thing! It’s eerie and just odd.

That is so beautiful.

Yes! I was at the store last week and my fave shredded cheese was 2 for $5. I felt like I really splashed out. This other lifestyle baffles me.

The funny thing about death is that everyone dies. No matter what and how. What is his point exactly?