JR Stauffer

I doubt it. I grew up around there, the train crossings out in the country have no lights or barricades. It may have been a suicide but it was more likely an I’m a redneck who doesn’t want to wait 20 minutes for a long train to pass and it looks like it’s moving slow so I will try to beat it kind of thing.

There are far too many good places in Chicago to even begin to make a list but I will give a couple thoughts.

Your article is spot on and completely captured my frustration with the game that caused me to take a break from it for awhile. I’m a casual gamer, and with an infant at home really haven’t had the time to grind it out in the seasons the way I’d like. so I go into the placement matches for season 4 not expecting

Damned Right. Got my Vienna beef and Bobak’s Sausage’s ready for tomorrow, arteries be damned.

It happens a lot. It’s even happened to Manny before, in his first fight with Tim Bradley. Anytime boxing starts getting interesting bullshit like this happens and drives people away.

Delivery van driving rule #1, know the height of your vehicle.

Napoleon Black Dynamite?

Quinn Snyder looks like a coach who failed utterly at Mizzou and somehow found his way up the ranks to the NBA. He looks like a poster child for white men failing upward.


I’ve never seen Bears fans so united over the fact that this was an awful trade. No contrarian takes here.

As a Bears fan sadly I must acknowledge that this isn’t really a joke.

Has anyone meme’d this yet? Seriously the guy looks like he is about to call someone a racial slur and yell at them to get off his lawn. If this picture had a title it would be, “Grandpa’s Impotent Rage.”

7. Assholes go here. This place is Chicago SMU. Northwestern is where all the villains from John Hughes movies go to college. It thinks it’s like Stanford or an Ivy, but really it’s only like Stanford or an Ivy if those schools were filled with nothing but Chad types. And the entire North Shore is just where rich

I was just going to give these a rec. They are perfect for what I describe as my, “Midwestern” (ok fat) body type. You don’t know how much you need that ball room until you have it. Also, the deep front pockets are a huge plus.

I was just going to give these a rec. They are perfect for what I describe as my, “Midwestern” (ok fat) body type.

Every day wake up and keep repeating to myself, “Not going to get mad at the internet today. Not going to get mad at the internet, not going to get mad at the internet.

C’mon, this isn’t about policy. There is only one thing a deeply homophobic Republican would fight that hard to hide. He has a male lover. Please God let this be true.

There is a much simpler explanation for how the polls were wrong. It’s simply that people lied. All those polls showing large percentages of undecided voters, those people weren’t undecided. They were always voting for Trump and were just ashamed to admit it.

Most of all blame Drew Magary for his fearless Trump will get his ass kicked article. Hasn’t he figured out yet that things will go the opposite of what he predicts just simply by predictcting it?

Asa Cardinals fan I never want to remember that catch.... but goddam that was a great catch. I thought our season was over when he robbed that one.

Just splitting hairs here but Lincoln actually received more popular votes than Douglas. In most states in the 19th century state houses selected National Senators and the Democrats had more seats than Republicans. The popular vote didn’t matter.