JR Stauffer

When a large group of white people repeatedly spout dumb ass things about masks being a hoax we call it a political party. When an African American says something dumb ass about white people he gets fired. So maybe progress is when we are free to say whatever dumb ass thing we want? 

Every 4 years around this time I start thinking about the Stevie Wonder song, “Big Brother.”

90 pct of these genius Bernie Bros will vote for Trump the minute Biden gets the nomination, which tells you all you need to know about their awareness on issues. 

Al Capone was a philanthropist too. 

I started listening to TMBG again a year ago after listening a little when I was a kid and thinking they were a little too goofy for my cool 13 year old taste when they first broke. It turns out it wasn’t the music that was immature, it was me. It’s been a revelation to rediscover their sound as an adult. The line you

As always thank you for your well written advice for my white brethren. I will now do my duty and share this on Facebook with my friends, the majority of whom are rural MAGA chuds since I grew up rural. I fully suspect, as is always the case when I present an opinion that pierces their bubble of perspective, that I

Though they are starting to look better there is still not a single one of these designs that competes with my analog watches in looks. I’m by no means anti-tech but smartwatches just don’t do it for me. I hate the apple watch square and these are all far large to me to be aesthetically pleasing. I’ll stay with my

Tomahawk Flop

The difference is that this time they aren’t localized in the South. They are every rural community in every state. That’s a helluva lot more ground to retake than when all this was localized in a geographic area. If it goes down it’s going to be more more guerilla, more widespread, and more devastating to a larger

I get to see my Blues raise the banner tonight for the first time in my life. I may not watch the rest of the season. I’m not sure how it can get more fun than watching them physically abuse teams last playoffs and making Brad Marchand cry.

I grew up in a rural all white area and believe me they have been talking about the next Civil War for at least 25 years. I know of people burying ammo in their yard for when it happens. I’ve often struggled with this idea because I know when the time comes I’m going to have to kill a good amount of my close friends

Maybe a party that has been the governmental equivalent of the Detroit Lions since roughly 1968 deserves some fucking tension.

Should have mentioned I’m in Chicago. My neighborhood (Albany Park) is where all the cab drivers in the city seem to live and decide that they should drive the same way off duty that that they do on duty.

Add to that the people who drive up the right shoulder at a stoplight and then gun it and pass everyone when the light turns green. It’s so bad in my neighborhood that I deliberately drive just a little far to the right so cars can’t get around.

I set my DVR to that game yesterday because I wanted to watch a refereeing exhibition. I just can’t live without seeing guys in stripes getting on a microphone and telling me what I didn’t see was wrong. It’s a shame that those football players had to screw it up by trying to play a football game in between my beloved

If the NFL had any care about the quality of their product they would eliminate Thursday night football, if not totally, at least for the first half of the season. The last two weeks have made glaringly obvious that teams aren’t ready this early in the season to play with limited prep. But since the NFL doesn’t care

Notice no one came up to him while biking on the Illinois lakefront. Because if someone saw him here they might have screamed 16 shots and thrown him and his goddamned bike off the pier at Montrose Harbor. Then maybe he could make a nice sweeping generalization about Illinoisans hating him and for once he could have

This was a masterclass in collusion. Want to play for a team that isn’t the one you were traded to? Just act like an insane person until that team has no choice but to let you go and then go play where you want. I’m starting to think that Belichick is Emperor Palpatining disgruntled players behind the scenes to

What kind of world-class asshole do you have to be to make Ben Allegedrapistburger and Jon Gruden look like sympathetic characters? There should be some kind of awards show for this level of jackassery.

Threepio is and has been the Secret Sith Lord in power this whole time. The bumbling is just an elaborate schtick.... if that’s the twist I would definitely feel a disturbance in the force. It would feel like a million superfans shit their pants at the same time and suddenly took to twitter.