
The high road, as we have seen for at least the last decade, does not work.

Going high doesn’t work. The reason so many people responded so well to Trump was because he went low. It was because he called Hillary a “nasty woman,” because he called Mexicans rapists, because he bragged about molesting women. His supporters ate that shit up and asked for seconds. He said out loud what they were

going high hasn’t worked for us since what - 2000? i am sick of it. i am sick of us having to be the reasonable, rational ones. fuck all of that. they go low and they win. they go low and they obstruct a president for an entire 8 years. it is time to go low.

The push to make Ivanka “just like the average working woman” is so obnoxious. She’s not relatable (although the “real ‘murican” women seem to have convinced themselves she is) and she’s not the voice of reason. To borrow a talking point from Marco Rubio : Ivanka Trump knows exactly what she’s doing.

Sorry. I don’t agree with most of you.

Seriously. Let’s not forget:

Why is she flying coach, though? Marie Antoinette had more of a clue. Was this a sympathy stunt?

Also, it’s super-dickish to act this way to her while she’s with her three small children. She’s flying coach at the holidays with three tiny kids in tow - that’s already more of a punishment than what this guy doled out.

Seriously. This situation called for a well placed crop dusting and nothing more.

.... haven’t pulled this one out in a while, but; Dear Mr. Lasner and Dear Husband of Mr. Lasner,

People, try not to do stuff like this. Learn to employ loudly-expressed shade in situations like this.

I mean, the dude’s husband is allowed to dislike the Trumps, but questioning why she isn’t flying “private” is both meaningless and dickish.

The thing about having kids is that you end up programmed to always feel a little sorry for people who have to distract their kids from something they don’t want them to see; even Ivanka Trump.

I work part time at Starbucks. We are open 365 days a year. People come in every fucking holiday and their response is, “oh my god I can’t believe they are making you work on Xmas/Thanksgiving/etc. Venti caramel macchiato please.” Yeah no one gives and actual fuck about the people that have to work on holidays. They

That’s hyperbolic nonsense. The Phantom Menace is one of the worst major-release films ever made. It’s fine to dislike The Force Awakens, but c’mon.

 This time last year everybody was creaming their pants over Ep. 7, and then we all underwent the change, and now 7 might be the worst episode of all of them

I walked out of TFA almost in tears because I was so disappointed. Even after a second viewing all I could think was “It’s well made but still a rehash of the first movie.” Personally I put it behind Phantom Menace and I’m honestly not sure about it being ahead of Attack of the Clones. Yeah the factory scene was awful

Much better than 7 which was nothing more than JJ’s fanboy fapfest.

Not quite sure where to put it yet. I started off a but skeptical, but then they jacked up the intensity a whole fucking lot.

It was so good, right? Better than Episode 7? Better than Jedi?