
But those poor, helpless Israelis. THEY need all our aid $$s.

“With so much corruption in Africa,...

I will never forgive so-called leftists who parroted the alt-right in attacking Hillary Clinton. NEVER. They were so determined to smear her for not being good enough they didn’t even realize they were doing the Nazi’s job for them.

Steve King is a birther who has a confederate flag on his desk, even though he’s from a northern state. Yeah, fuck him.

But remember people, Hillary was just as bad as Trump and people who voted Third Party just so they could personally feel good aren’t selfish in anyway.

John McCain is only ever a “maverick” when he has something to gain from it. As you noted, he’s going to die in office if he just goes with the flow. He has nothing to gain from impeding a far-right agenda, and he doesn’t want another fierce primary challenge from a tea-partier or a Trumper. John McCain is a political

Yes, please. Everyone stop telling me to calm down and take the higher road. No fucking thanks. I will continue my warpath because taking the high road has gotten me nowhere. I’m not above savagery, folks.

This is reason #4,975 why I hate politics. If you are John McCain, just got re-elected and will probably die in office, why the fuck don’t you show any principles and say you won’t vote on anyone who hasn’t been vetted?

Trump made it clear that you can tell Democrats to fuck off and they will, so why *would* any of his cabinet picks offer up their conflicts of interest? Until Democrats grow a spine and realize part of governing is holding the other party accountable, Trump and his minions will get away with everything they want.

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: it’s a good thing none of these direct and unwaivable conflicts of interest have to do with anything truly sinister, like helping African children with AIDS.

If Democrats play nice, like, ever again, even for an instant, even for the “greater good” (whatever that is) - they (we?) will continue to lose and deservedly so. “America” as a noble concept or vessel for liberal democracy is done. Dead and gone. The only thing that matters now is taking and holding power until the

Dear Trumpers: It wasn’t the Wall. It was the East German Border Guards who had no qualms about shooting unarmed civilians in the back.

You have to have no soul to celebrate that hideous monument.

Woah she plagiarized Melania too? Ruthless.

So much for the party of state’s rights and small government! I hate these people so much. I’m so scared of the next four years. I have no idea how/if we’re going to make it.

soooooooooo states rights until they’re doing something we don’t like?

Can’t forget “liberals” who couldn’t tell the difference between Hillary and Donald. Thanks Bernie Bros! Thanks Jill Frankensteins! Thanks for fucking over poor women, POC, LGBTs, and the Environment!

But but but but....Hillary and people buying access to her thru the Clinton Foundation when she was Secretary of State!!! Trump said he was gonna be different!!! He’s an outsider!!!

They aren’t even trying to hide the corruption anymore. Nepotism on parade.

Undersecretary at the Department of Education. She’ll be in charge of developing policies to ensure that for-profit universities are able to serve their students without burdensome regulations.