
I’m still angry at people who didn’t give enough of a shit to vote, voted third party because they thought HRC was “the same” or worse than Trump, and those that voted Trump as a fun little protest vote, not thinking he’d actually be elected


Republicans used to think of themselves as the party of smaller government and less intrusion. It was never true, but at least was a lie that they told themselves. But now? Now they are the party of whatever their most cohesive voting bloc believes in. Sadly that is fundamentalist religious oppression.

1. One newspaper columnist in the UK suggests that we keep the Christmas holiday going until the fifth or sixth day of January,...

You could have just grouped them all under the heading “because I’m a gullible fucking moron”.

Hmmm, I wasn’t insulting her. I like her, I just don’t think that all of the people who TOTALLY wanted to vote for her in 2016 actually will if she does run.

Amen. Anyone who thought Warren or Sanders where their first pick, and Trump came second, doesn’t give a flying fuck about a single thing Warren or Sanders actually believe or want to achieve in goverment. They just don’t want to admit now they were utterly uninformed and lazy as fuck, and their vote had nothing at

These “people explain why the voted for Trump” articles always, absolutely always, confirm for me exactly what I think Trump supporters are like. I really really hope each time to read a smart thoughtful reason, perhaps one where I simply don’t agree with the ideology, but no. It’s always either:

Clinton tries to ally herself with the “common folk,” but she comes of as pandering and fake. Trump does it too, but at least he seems real, especially when he is eating KFC.

..with gold cutlery on his private jet. A man of the people!

None of these people make any actual sense. You would have to ignore words that Trump said, everything that Clinton said, and anything Trump and Clinton actually did with their lives to justify a vote for Trump.

What a shock - a bunch of know-nothing jerks. Maybe you aren’t 100% racists, but you definitely all are 200% sucker, 300% asshole, and infinity percent losers.

Had Elizabeth run I could have cast a vote for a nationalist, a populist, a thoughtful and honorable person who carries with her no sense of superiority or pretension.

These are a lot of words to simply say “I am dumb”

I voted for him because I felt that he would do an absolutely terrible job and would alienate the republican base so badly that it had no choice but to face facts and accept that conservative economic models do not help them.

Had Elizabeth run I could have cast a vote for a nationalist, a populist, a thoughtful and honorable person who carries with her no sense of superiority or pretension. She is noble in her actions and usually in her words. Hell, she wrote a personal finance book that is still working its way through my mind.

Also, this:

Yeah, I loved that one in particular. “Did he say some reprehensible things that can’t be excused? Sure.” (Proceeds to fully excuse them.)

If you think they’re going to blame their Trump vote when their benefits get cut, you’re more optimistic than I am.

“I’m a dumb guy, my worldview is limited”

The horrors of Canadian socialism? What a jackass. I pay half of my paycheck in the US for shit health care and weaponry.