Yeah, that first one is how this comes off. Also, I hope she has good people as well.
Yeah, that first one is how this comes off. Also, I hope she has good people as well.
ngl, if they had let my dumbass run around the sidelines and some shit like that went down...And then someone hands me the ball? Yeah, I’m prolly gonna spike that shit. (More than likely, very badly since I don’t do well under pressure. I may miss the endzone, or hit myself in the foot, but I’m still going to spike it)
Why can’t we have more of this? This was a great article. Kate is going to get hired by someone else, calling it now.
Thanks dude, I recently rediscovered these. I wish it was as sophisticated as flash, I used a free webcam program that would stitch together JPEG’s and some other program I can’t remember to add sound and the wipe effect. They do make me giggle a little, so at least there’s that.
I watched both but owned more Go-Bots than Transformers, mostly because my parents were cheap, but I always asked for them when I saw them because of that.
It’s been happening for some time now. It suuuuuucks
Several years ago I made two flip book style cartoons, except I can’t draw so I did them on the computer. Honestly, I think mine came out a little better,maybe a little more polished than MillkunTV’s.
I’m not saying you’re wrong but I AM saying that it doesn’t work that way, at least all the time. I play daily, and have one other friend I play with all the time, he’s also on PC. We very often get a controller player as our pubbie, so maybe they changed something.
Not even close to realistic. Not one person screams at you for being a nOOb? Then half the people didn’t quit because some maroooon is feeding? Nope, not seeing LoL at all here.
Yep, he gave the OK and then later, likely because some idiot had the audacity to laugh at the song near Coolio, claimed he never did and some faceless record exec did it without his knowledge. The even LATER said he did it all himself. ugh. Coolio is a parody more than any of Al’s songs, at this point. Al still going…
Wanna move that couch? Throw it on the roof! Your kid needs dropped off at Alaskan military school? Shit, fam, jump in!
Mine was Syphon Filter on PS1. Never before or since have I had a game infect my brain so badly. My “breaking point” was one morning I had been up all night playing, the mailman came to the door and I tried to scope in on his head. I was unemployed at the time so I imagine I wasn’t in the best headspace to begin with…
Jesus fucking shit, this whole thread. Goddamn, I need a drink.
Right? What a weird take. Trying to make equivalencies, for starters, is stupid but saying it like that comes off as “they should be happy that’s all they get, here in America we know how to properly shit on someone”
This. The whole deal seems to lead to those idiots who were pointing guns at the protesters walking through their neighborhood. We’re long past the days of letting out of control neighbors terrorize our neighborhoods.
Good luck, look forward to reading your offerings! Remember that Jim Spanfeller is a herb, and you’ll be fine.
We all know this guy. Has a POS sitting that he’s convinced is worth a mint, “just needs a little work” and no one ever buys it. You see him again 20 years later, he still has the POS and thinks that since it’s now 20 years old it HAS to be worth more, right? It’s even more vintage now!
The first time I met my former partner to be’s family, we all had dinner at some restaurant. She and her sister ordered a big basket of onion rings and proceeded to pick the onions out and discard them to the side, uneaten. The monstrous nature of such an act should have told me all I needed to know about that family.
I’ve gone through the entire thread (s) here, and my honest to Jebus gut feeling is Alex or G/O got paid to write a positive review and maybe he did his best to say it didn’t suck while telling us it kind of does. I mean, I want to believe that rather than what would be left: He loves a game so much to write about 50…
Way back in the long long ago, in the before times, when Team Fortress wasn’t classic it just was...I had two dead pixels in the exact center of my monitor. It became my competition monitor.