
Today it's a carrot (discount). Tomorrow a stick (mandatory)

Refreshing this site is my Zero Stroke....

Currently I'm working on a prototype BMO from Adventure Time that will feature full facial animations and speech, limited movement, working buttons, playable games and possibly Bluetooth/NFC integration. When done, BMO will be Raspberry Pi-controlled, 3D printed and open source. Anyone who'd like to contribute or join

I don't know, it could have been a fluke. For real scientific integrity you'll need a bigger sample size. At least a few thousand Sunfires should be tested. As many Sunfires as we can gather.

No, the point people are still missing about Jurassic World is:

Just to get out in front of anything that might happen during the game, league officials have stated that any player attempting a snow-related celebration will be flagged - and fined - for excessive Tauntaun.

Pretty sure that's a Lambo, dude.

I know, right? I didn't either, which was one of the things that made this so interesting to me. :D

Nice Anthony Bourdain figure.

I'm just happy to see Ernie Hudson still working.

Yeah. Wrote it one handed.

Good choice in SVT cars. SVT Contour FTMFW

This is like a little boy's nursery school I've stumbled into....

i will nominate the 89-94 thunderbird SC. it had a great platform and a strong supercharged v6, 5speed, two mode sport suspension, etc. just did not sell enough of them. and they are mostly forgotten. they have their fair share of ford problems though. but always wanted one.

Go fuck yourself.

I'd start with a basics guides for beginners, with separate ones for outdoor/garden stuff, garage oriented things, and home projects. Include the every now and then things that happen (frozen pipes, lawn mower maintenance, fence repair).

OBD2 scanner. The Realtime output of engine parameters is fascinatingly nerdy.

Space Above and Beyond.