

i've always thought the best way to explain magic is through arthur c. clark's equivalence to technology invoked, in all things, in thor.

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I'm gonna have to go with this sequence from the movie Fire in The Sky....

Is Number 6 messing around with Number 2's comatose wife again?

"What do you call it, a cracked pipe?" -Oddibe McDowell

Just please please please make sure when you push the throttle FORWARD and pull the stick BACKWARDS you're actually accelerating and NOT BRAKING. "I'm gonna hit the brakes and he's gonna fly right by me" and boom Maverick hits the fucking afterburner instead!


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The first one, with Mario Kart 64 a close second. All other arguments are invalid.

Even with Adam's widow being on board and Douglas suggesting the series deserved a better ending, there is no reason to include the 6th book as part of his series. It's fan fiction as far as I'm concerned.

I can will my heart to speed faster. Nothing major; last time I calculated it a few years ago, it was only 1-2 extra beats per minute. But it does speed up, and my arms feel like they're, how do I describe it, burning on the inside as if by acid. Something like that.

Tyler. Very comprehensive post. This is the most I've learned (I assume the contents are accurate) about the situation in Crimea. Thanks for this.

I will leave this here...l

I agree with Uniball, but try the Jetstream series, they are around $3, and glide in paper like it's butter.
Ball size go from 0.3 to 1, but my favorite is the 0.5.

Posted at 4:20 PM. I see what you did there.