
By the time Al-Jazeera America’s The Dark Side: Secrets of the Sports Dopers finally aired last night, it felt like

I bet they figured out the catering arrangements before anything else.

Great article. I’m loving this series on submarine stuff. Just absolutely fascinating. My hat is off to the guys who have done this.

Bro. Bro bro bro. Bro, seriously bro? Seriously, bro. Brobrobrobro seeeeriously. Bro.

Want to see it?

“Tension between Bandidos OMG and Cossacks MC remains high in Texas”

The Chevy SS

Bring back “Project Car Hell”!

That’s more than 70 characters.

It’s about time.

Really? I thought everyone did this.


It's a gentleman's sausage.

Freedom boner: 17.76 inches right now

You lower Michigan trolls just don't know how to make a good pasty is the only problem. Cornish Miner decendants in the Copper Range near the Keweenaw make delicious pasties. (also for the uninitiated it's a soft 'a'. Not a hard 'A' that changes to something covering your nipples). You know, even Madison,

Agreed. Being a T-Bird fan, I've wanted to buy one of these but the rear suspension is one of the big flaws in these. Since there's a relatively simple, cheap fix of replacing the airbags with a conventional suspension and the buyer hasn't bothered to do that, I voted CP. If he can't be bothered to do that, it only