
Yes! As long as you can get a good rate, you should always finance everything. Having liquid assets is far more beneficial than not having a monthly obligation.

“it’s only worth something because we believe it in it”

Customer: “I butt-dailed an upgrade by accident. I’d like a refund because your software sucks.”

This is what the US “Upcoming Vehicles” section of the Toyota website has to say.

This moment of time in Jalopnik is like watching a train moving 0.5mph crash into a wall of molasses. Very slow, very sure, and very awkward to witness.

While Jalopnik does not have permission to publish the photos”

An unrelated study found that the rate at which college students age 18-22 lied to surveyors increased from 20% to 28%

To be completely fair, me leaving college after 2002 probably accounts for a significant % of the drop.

Why not just make the headline “The following websites have actual useful information about an updated Yaris GR” and save us all the trouble of scanning your piece to find that the only interesting part of the story (the fucking pictures) are not even shown?

I’m a little confused as to how a dimly-lit hood ornament will cause a noticeable amount of light pollution when it’s bracketed by blindingly bright LED DRLs and headlights.  Or is the issue with the light being on when the car is off?  It honestly doesn’t make any sense to me.

That’s a pretty dumb law. It’s also kinda ridiculous that existing examples that have already been sold have to be retrofitted.

a programming note: Does it bother you that The Morning Shift includes links to sources that are behind paywalls? If so, why?

Oh I’d gladly run the company into the ground and be generally considered a colossal fuck-up for even 1% of the income their CEO gets.

Another day, same story. It’s still sad.

And drop a fried egg on top, because why the hell not. It sounds delicious!

Is this coverage of what looks like an abysmal Netflix series just some stealth marketing mandated by the herbs? Jezebel had a post pretending to be authored by “Emily” yesterday.

I know I’m Biased towards the GTI, but FUCK ME is this thing ugly.

I don’t go out of my way to have deep dish, but being in Chicago you end up there when out-of-towners want to try it. The only two good deep dish places are Pequod’s and Lou’s. A writer on the show must be a Gino’s fan (gross). 

In France, a slice of apple pie is a perfectly cromulent breakfast

This is logic that only makes sense in government: Spend an inordinate amount of money to re-badge tens of thousands of mail trucks in order to maintain the appearance of being thrifty.