
2nd Gear: “Some attendees at the June 29 annual shareholders meeting even harked back wistfully to the Carlos Ghosn era: One praised the indicted former chairman’s strong leadership, another blamed his downfall on a conspiracy among Japanese prosecutors and government bureaucrats.

This, so very much this. Everyone who thinks they were good books needs to go back and re-read them without rose-tinted glasses. They’re amateurish, trite, and frankly the main character is obnoxious for the duration.

Like what you like, sure, and if you have nostalgia for something that’s fine, but stop pretending

An escapist fantasy about running off to a secret magic community, and completely ignoring the problems of the Muggle world despite having superpowers, and effing with the brains of those who catch glimpses of you, isn’t the most enlightened tale? Surely you jest!

Yeah the first sign for people that J.K. Rowling was bad should have been her books.

I know it’s probably a difficult time for Harry Potter fans and they may be starting to get embarrassed about their HP fandom, but if it’s any help, they should have already been deeply embarrassed about being Harry Potter fans.

If I might make an attempt at nuance here, the idea that many psychiatrists are too quick to throw pills at something and call it a day is both true and a big problem. I speak from personal experience - I struggled for years futilely against clinical depression with a series of RXs that never much helped until I

“Aw shoot, I just got another check engine light, instead.”

THere’s a time and a place for sportiness, but I feel like the Corvette and Camaro have the market cornered on “GM vehicles that go fast and stuff.”

I’m a “young” professional interested in a sedan in this size category, and the standard RWD is very attractive. It looks, uhhh, fine I guess, but most off-the-lot prices will be VERY close to a Model 3.

And when your headlight go out, just turn on the brights for months on end. And when you need to move your car off the street so a sweeper can come clean up the block....just leave it there. The fines dont add up to the cost of a parking space nor the inconvenience of moving your car once a month.

Well he definitely didn’t miss it.

As far as I can tell just people who show up on time. 

...a shitload of neon green...

Germany is also just a little bigger than New Mexico so a little easier to have connected infrastructure across the country.

As nations around the world try to get their economies humming again, the number of coronavirus tests coming back positive has turned into the metric to watch.

And it comes with an Aston Martin steering wheel!!!

The Silverado isn’t good either. But the Hyundai/Kia circlejerk is awful around here. You aren’t allowed to be critical of either brand.

As a currrent Hyundai DCT owner, please be wary of ANY Hyundai product with a DCT. New DCT or not, Hyundai hasn’t proven itself capable of delivering a good-driving DCT.  As a matter of fact, we just received a brochure from them as a result of a class action suit.  In it, it describes half a dozen poor driving

Wait are we really not going to use this opportunity to address that the abortion rate is far greater in the black community. Isn’t that what this movement is all about. Addressing systemic inequalities. Blacks are totally targeted for abortions and the numbers prove it.