
I have a buddy that’s obsessed with Tarkov. It’s okay, but it’s not my type of game. The closest I get to that is Insurgency Sandstorm.

No need to look under the car.  It’s in the Nav menu; it was a requirement when buying my wife’s B8.5 S4.  Not that she needed it - at all - but for resale.  Though she loves the car and will probably run it to the ground...

Which service did you use, if I can ask?

Just an example to go with your point, recently an accuser came out about a very popular streamer/youtuber. Someone in the friends circle of the accuser retweeted them and accidentally tagged a completely unrelated and innocent streamer in it, saying it was this person they were talking about. All because that

Twitch is a company. As a company, they do not have to follow the law as it pertains to “innocent until proven guilty.” Preponderance of evidence is irrelevant, as well.

All valid concerns. I’m hoping there’s at least a preliminary investigation before they take down streams but I suspect their willingness and effort will come down to your follower count.

I’d hope for 3 things:
1. Equal treatment among streamers, regardless of influence (doubt it, but here’s hoping)
2. A timely

Half of me wants to say they won’t sell any with a grille that small (how will anyone know how big and tough I am?), but the other half says it’s prime real estate for something super macho like a wolf howling at the moon or nice big AR15 decal, with room left over for Calvin pissing on a Rivian logo.

You know, you’re right.  I’m so selfish, I had never considered that the state was actually trying to better my life and the world.

Well yea. You keep any car here in Michigan for 18 years and the roads will rattle all the parts completely off the car if you’re not careful.

Lol, Chevrolet is third and they make rolling piles of plastic that fall apart if you look at them sideways. This rating is meaningful! (sarc)

I’ve come to find out that having a shitbox car is a luxury only for the middle class. I’m middle class and daily drive an BMW e46. If I break down, my workplace is understanding. I can say “having car trouble..” and its all good. I have time and money to fix it myself, or I can take it to a shop.

“The sedan made by Honda (oh so different than the sedan made by Toyota, Nissan, and the rest of them)”

No mention of NASCAR and Noosegate? After it came yesterday it was all a hoax, a disgusting publicity stunt to use racial tensions to increase ratings? After all the stories here pushing it just days ago? I think this illustrates the real purpose of identity politics fairly well. Its not about racism, never was. Its


6th Gear: Mystery of the Nefarious Garage Pull Solved
Awesome job Jalop

Man, Pokemon is the perfect IP for a moba.

The King has spoken. The law of the realm has been decreed. So say we all.

As someone who lives in a rural area, my god are there a lot of truck drivers who have no business driving something that big. The local grocery store is pretty much just chaos.

The Confederate battle flag pre-dates the introduction of the modern automobile by 21 years and NASCAR itself by approximately 80 years. What purpose does it serve at any modern sporting event?

For a lot of these yokels, it’s more than a political statement, it’s a life statement. They let it define who they are to the core, and that’s why they fight so hard for it.