

I said it on the last article about him and I’ll say it again here: Papa John has made a great many mistakes in his life but that eagle statue isn’t one of them. That thing is badass.

Mansory engineers: So you’re saying we should put a 3rd wing on there to fix that problem? We’re on it, chief.

You misspelled “holy grails”.

I have the same turbo on my mk7 Golf R. Full boost by 4k rpm. Probably kicks in a little later on a 1.8, but it’ll kick in well before redline, especially since that built motor probably has the rev limiter moved up some.

You don’t know those missing panels are from a crash, he may have just been attempting to change a headlight bulb.

It’s probably got another 200k in it easy, those things are about as unkillable as a modern vehicle gets. They’re about as engaging as an unscented bar of soap, but that’s not what they’re for.

This is why I keep my bags of scorpions to 90 max, it’s out of respect for my fellow travelers.

So was the police chasing this guy good or not?

Reminds me of the original Diablo where you could spam periods in chat and drop all the Koreans from the game (on US servers at least).

Same if you pick fights on airplanes, just ban these assholes for good. They can drive.

Well you can’t drink all day if you don’t start in the morning.

Super relevant to a conversation about gas prices, good job.

American white bread is sweet by world standards. I think Subway isn’t even allowed to call their rolls “bread” in some places since it’s legally “cake” based on sugar content.

Ah yes, the entire cooling system is a wear item. Great idea BMW.

If you’re going to deal with MkIV problems it should at least be an R32 so you get VR6 noises (and VR6 problems).

I’d argue there is no perfect amount of power, each driver has different preferences and different levels of responsibility.

You can develop things in a lab if you’re willing to build a really bitchin’ lab. Tesla could certainly have gotten more mature before testing in the real world, they just chose not to because a bunch of morons will pay them $10k apiece to test on Tesla’s behalf.


You wouldn’t even need to have a separate database to dump the data into. You provide some basic, free diagnostic software that hooks up over OBD. You read the VIN from OBD, pull the data for that VIN out of the database you’re already maintaining and send it to the computer that’s running the software. Subaru gets to