
For starters, there aren’t that many diesel wagons ever made so it’s kind of a small pool to compete in. Most of the ones that do exist are also German so they share the same types of maintenance issues (except for the 80s/early 90s Mercedes versions that are bulletproof but very slow).

So when do you paint it brown?

If the pro-union crowd is going to be this dishonest, why should I side with them during their strike? How do I know they’re telling the truth about working conditions or benefits or anything else?

When can I buy one in the USA? It’s been a couple years since my last really questionable financial decision, I think I’m due.

This further reinforces my belief that superchargers are the best kind of intake manifold.

Well he was right in a way. Once all the coolant was gone it was air cooled, just not very well.

I once had to drive from northern VA to Austin, TX for a wedding with that car. I had a buddy along with me and I had to tell him several times that if he wanted to stop he should just say so, waiting on me to run out of fuel was foolish. Humans need to stop way more often than that car did.

As I posted in another reply, if you’re doing that I wonder how much work it is to get the supercharged version in there. Maybe not as common as the one in there now, but that Buick would be the sleepiest of sleepers with a hot motor in it.

What I’m gathering from this is clearly that a swap for the supercharged version of the motor is in order. For reliability, of course.

Your engine knows what’s good and what isn’t, so when it’s burning oil it makes sure to burn off all the contaminants in there. This ensures your self-changing oil stays as clean as possible, and emits a nice blue haze out of your tailpipe to let fellow drivers know you’re being responsible about maintenance. This

A rebuild might be too expensive, but how common is this engine in junkyards? If they’re as unkillable as advertised there’s gotta be a bunch of rusted out Buicks with serviceable motors out there.

If you get it right you don’t even need the oil changes at Jiffy Lube anymore. Your engine develops self-changing oil, i.e. it burns enough of it that you just put a quart in every two thousand miles or so and it’s fine.

Not real advice but I scared the shit out of someone with it nonetheless.

How do you know it was dead when he came back? Here’s what he said:

I have a coworker who has on multiple occasions had deer run into his car while he was totally stationary. Just sitting at a stop light and the furry morons run full tilt into the side of his car.

Did you just leave the deer there dying? I get that it pissed you off but it’s cruel to leave it like that. In a lot of small towns you can call the cops and they’ll come put it out of it’s misery.

You don’t see the difference? Jim-Bob doing that is illegal and if he’s caught he gets in trouble. Making it illegal is us explicitly denying consent for Jim-Bob to do that.


My sister owned a Mazda 3 hatch with a stick a while back and loved it, that was a pretty nice car.

So I was at stage 2 power for ~25k miles before these mods, have been at ~450whp for the last 20k or so. No real problems caused by power, I’ve probably only launched it at this power half a dozen times though, I’d probably have broken something by now if I launched it regularly.