
They perfected rolling over on pavement a while back with those Explorers with the Firestone tires. It’s good to see they’ve made progress in other areas too.

I have to admire these teens’ persistence in finding a way to get in trouble for smoking weed in California.

KFC doesn’t surprise me, lots of cultures have fried chicken and they’re all better versions of it than KFC. Depending on where you are in the US you also have Popeye’s, Church’s, Bojangle’s or some other chain and those are all better than KFC. KFC somehow manages to make fried chicken unappealing, which is pretty

I can appreciate all these regulatory agencies just aimlessly bitching about FSD instead of actually doing anything.

I share your rage on this subject. With the number of people who drive around with 1 busted tail light it becomes really hard to tell whether people are braking or intending to turn/change lanes.

Mission accomplished, that joke always ruffles some feathers. Maybe I should do it in German next time, although thanks to some Americans he probably wouldn’t understand.

These restaurants aren’t doing this to make their employees’ lives hell, they’re doing it because the amount of time and resources spent fixing fuckups is more than the cost of installing cameras and software.

Anyone else remember the show Dexter?

It’s frustrating because they coulda run it by someone at Jalopnik and realized how stupid most of this article was, but they didn’t even bother putting that much effort into it.

If you give anything to the cops, it will be used against you, they even tell you that when they read you your Miranda rights. They will take your story and look for holes.

Typically those conscripts didn’t have a gun, just ammo. The idea was the guy in front of you would get shot and you’d take his gun. The guys in back had guns for the reason you mention.

Surplus French military rifles for sale, never fired and only dropped once!

France was a mistake.

He told the cops the only smart thing to ever tell a cop: “I’d like a lawyer”.

He’s also doing the right thing if he’s totally innocent. You never talk to the cops under any circumstances, full stop. Get a lawyer and shut up, if you have a story that exonerates you then court is the place for that and it will be told in the way your lawyer recommends.

Did LG sell the car or did GM?

I wonder if it comes with any legal implications. “By cashing this check you agree to not pursue legal action against Ford Motor Company for ruining your water supply”.

So would locking up the people who actually do this. There’s been a trend of treating property crime like it isn’t worth dealing with, that the risk of bad police action outweighs the property rights of people who own things. We treat criminals like they’re the victims and this is the result.

Maybe one day. Only a couple of them are comfortable grabbing the peanuts while I’m standing there, most of them are still too skittish. I don’t think I can really train them until they trust me more, this is going to take time and many peanuts.

GM could do it by buying them back and storing them safely in a facility they pay for instead of foisting that requirement on a bunch of customers who bought the car in good faith.