
1 is basically required, if you’re going to say the car is potentially damaged from the hooning (hence the buyback) you can’t turn around and sell it back to the general public. I’d hope a C8 isn’t damaged from that, it is allegedly a performance car, but that is the logic they’re using.

Which will be good knowledge for him to have, he’ll know how many hours at his new job he’ll need to work to afford one.

What’s ironic about the situation is if you’re cheating, you’re allegedly doing it to appear better than the people you’re playing against. Except it doesn’t work that way, everyone can tell you’re cheating and they don’t think you’re good they think you’re pathetic.

Airlines should just maintain their own, private version of the No Fly List. Get out of line and you just never get to fly again. That allows responsible people to still drink as long as they can remain responsible, and unruly drunks get weeded out pretty quickly.

I’m not a “defund the police” type, but if they can’t be bothered to even take a report on this kind of thing maybe we shouldn’t bother paying them.

But it’s right-wingers who are full of conspiracy theories.

While these are hilarious, please do not intentionally feed human food to wild animals, it’s often very bad for them. They don’t handle salt or spices well in a lot of cases, and some of our food is too fatty. Humans have the luxury of being able to eat just about anything, most animals aren’t like that.

I’d be pretty surprised if this beat a Civic Type R around a track.

For people so convinced they’re always right they seem awfully unwilling to prove it by engaging in actual conversation.

The even funnier version of this ad that I’ve seen (while shopping for Bibles, naturally) involves essentially an apple cider vinegar enema. I’d imagine that also isn’t a good idea, and I’m sure your doctor friends are anxiously awaiting your inquiries on the matter.

I’m curious if the cars could handle slicks. Breaking something when your tires actually hook up is pretty common with drag vehicles. An EV producing all that torque instantly is only going to make that problem worse.

At some point you reach the limits of traction as well, AWD burnouts are hard but they can definitely happen. I’d imagine both of these cars has some pretty fancy traction control systems, at some point more horsepower doesn’t matter because traction control is going to kick in. Doesn’t matter if you exceed the limit

Says 11 comments but not all of them load, and I don’t see anything from you even when I do “show pending”.

And murders tons of shelter animals, never forget that.



Lack of ice cream cake is an emergency in my book.

I’m not saying sleep it off, just saying it’ll calm everyone down. Doubt anyone with a decent edible buzz going is going to need to be duct taped down for unruly behavior.

Just sell edibles at the airport. Make them mandatory for any flight over 6 hours.

Yeah, transmission via surfaces is extremely unlikely. Good try at ruining everyone’s fun though, that’s exactly what we need.