
Just equip the drive thru with funnels so I can have low quality beef forced into my gullet like how they make foie gras. Efficiency is king.

I’m glad the organizers of this event have grasped the true purpose of baseball: an excuse to drink beer and eat fried food outdoors while it’s nice out.

Yeah but I can’t eat a spoon (not after the incident) and there’s not going to be any salt/flavor dust to lick off my fingers when I’m done.

Reminds me of my younger days in the DC punk scene. Every show there’d be a few neo-Nazi dipshits that showed up. Occasionally people would just hold themselves to verbally taunting these idiots, but most of the time they learned why people wore steel toed boots to those shows.

This would do a lot to change public perception. A lot of people’s experience with a union involves them protecting a lazy/incompetent person from consequences, or needlessly stringing work out to get the most billable hours for the most people.

My parents’ dog is obsessed with the dishwasher, but could not care less about the fridge.

Same, it always annoys me when trucks do that but now I have a fun new word to describe it with and maybe that will calm me down.

I don’t know if this really translates, but in the DoD contracting sphere this happens sometimes and in a few cases all the old heads with mountains of experience and domain knowledge go form their own consulting company and make more than they did working for the big player anyway.

Seconded. This is indeed very frustrating. In the past it would happen for a day or two and then get fixed (or fixed itself). It has been broken like this for months at this point.

I thought I wasn’t supposed to download cars.

That, or he’d get qualified immunity. We usually see that with misbehaving cops but all government employees can get qualified immunity.

120 months at 0% would be a sweet deal. At 10% not so much.

It reduces risk in aggregate. You assume a certain number of those people aren’t going to pay you, so everyone else gets to pay more to subsidize that. You get enough people paying 15% interest and you can still be profitable even if a few of them never end up paying you.

That isn’t a 74, the mags are straighter with 5.45. That’s a 7.62x39 gun for sure, pistol/short barrel variants have become quite popular over the last few years.

True, although that is a translucent magazine and it looks like it has more than 10 real rounds in it by my guess. It’s not the best picture for figuring that out though so I might be wrong.

Yeah, the only relatives I trust that much don’t need my help getting a loan. Funny how that works.

If it never had a stock to begin with it may legally be a pistol. If it had a stock and the person removed it they now have an illegal short barreled rifle, which is a felony at the federal level not to mention whatever California would do about it.

Fair enough, I could’ve been more specific in that I meant there’s no way to own that specific gun legally in California. It may have legal cousins, but that one is a problem.

Possible, that mag looks like it has actual ammo in it though although it is admittedly hard to tell from the pictures available.

That’s a bigger mag than California allows, and I’m pretty sure it qualifies as an assault weapon unless it technically being a “pistol” in that configuration exempts it from those rules. CA legal guns usually have to have that bastard fin thing between the pistol grip and stock to make them “featureless”, and I’m not