
Safety off and finger on the trigger too, hopefully nothing in the chamber but this person is still a massive dipshit both for safety reasons and because I’m pretty sure there’s no legal way to own that gun in California.

Have you ever dated a woman who didn’t want to learn? Sure, I could teach someone who WANTS to know how to drive stick in a few hours. What if they just don’t want to because they won’t derive any enjoyment out of it, it’s more work, and an automatic works just as well?

Is there a name for the phenomenon that allows for the dumbest among us to also be the loudest? If not, I propose “The Shilling Effect”.

Tell me more about how you have more of a right to decide what happens with someone else’s property than they do, comrade.

Driving 240kph and being safe are mutually exclusive. Racing cars is an inherently unsafe thing to do.

He’s just plainly advocating for dictatorship and not even a little shy about it. It’s a shame those opinions are apparently endorsed by the editorial staff.

Yes, they do eat bugs and whatnot and they get more exercise while they do it. They’re also more social than a lot of people give them credit for, being out and about with their friends is better for them than being stuck in a cage.

Blizzard hasn’t lost much over this yet, why would they go after Kotick?

Philadelphia Man on his way to become Florida Man, this was sadly predictable.

This is a case where you hope that wasp smashes into the car behind you at 80mph because wasps are irredeemable assholes.

PowerShit transmission in those cars. Yes, get a stick, but there’s no excuse for offering an automatic that was as bad as that was.

Warren v. District of Colombia. The police have no actual duty to protect and serve, they can straight up ignore you as much as they like.

Whether they intended it or not, it says a lot about how things are designed that people decided AFK walking in circles was the best way to make progress.

While this sounds incredible, I’m also interested in this bourbon mister you have.

That’s why they make it so the roof flies off ahead of time, duh.

That’s why the corporation has lawyers on retainer. If you didn’t like your compensation before just wait until it’s $0/hr and you’ve got several lifetimes worth of legal fees to deal with.

Yeah, the minor difference being up until now buggy beta software didn’t get anyone killed.

Ok, so how long before a tuner figures out how to unlock it and block the OTA update that stops that from happening?

The thing is, corporations only care about “leadership” as it relates to making money. If this guy was making profitable games (he was), that makes him a great leader by the corporation’s standards.

An important reminder that your local elections are far more important than the national ones, at least in terms of your day-to-day life. Say what you will about any President, none of them made it illegal for you to register your car in Maine and none of them could’ve even if they wanted to.