
Likely also illegal to transfer to someone else or register for road use, making it’s value basically zero.

This year produced this sentence. I don’t know who you should sue about it but I know you deserve compensation.

That better be the Nihilist Arby’s account you’re talking about.

And in the time it takes him to do that she stabs the girl in pink, possibly killing her given the size of the knife.

In 40 years that Camaro will be illegal.

NFL teams literally aren’t a gamble, it’s guaranteed money and a lot of it. That’s why those owners are doing the same thing to soccer.

Fun Fact: MLB The Show has voicelines for Bobson Dugnutt.

We have crony capitalism in the US, if you’re pushing it you could even call it fascism. People think of an authoritarian system when they hear “fascism” but that isn’t a requirement, all you need is a sufficient blurring of the line between the public and private sectors which is something we have in spades.

“Our government built highway system is riddled with corruption and doesn’t work all that well. My solution? A government built train system, surely those have never been riddled with corruption and functionality problems.”

“If someone doesn’t want to join your union, you’re justified in harassing them and destroying their property”.

“Hey, you spent hundreds of millions on this investment. Would you prefer that it has guaranteed returns or would you like to gamble for no apparent reason instead?”

So YMMV, but not all part-time AWD systems are created equal.

Depending on how much bacon you made you can essentially deep fry the eggs in the grease, eliminating any need to flip them at all. Just tilt the pan a little and ta-da, mini deep fryer.

That’s different because people they like participate in Radwood.

Whereas Streets of Rage 4 got released as essentially the same game just newer and shinier, because those devs understand “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”.

And now one of the dudes responsible is gonna run the ATF, what could go wrong?

Does this “train” come to my house?

So he’s a monster then.

Swapping a battery on an EV is significantly more difficult than swapping one on an iPod.

Sci-fi had it pretty well covered for a long time. Hell, the smartphone is essentially the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. Nikola Tesla even predicted it would exist roughly when we figured out how radio waves worked.