
We should be so lucky that all they do is drive off a bridge and kill themselves, unfortunately their cavalier attitude towards autonomous driving puts innocent bystanders at risk too.

If there’s room to pass you on the right, there’s room for you to get out of the way of faster moving traffic before that happens.

The answer is regulation. It’s not “no one will buy them”, it’s “not enough people will buy them for it to be worth it to jump through all the regulatory hoops needed to bring it here”. I don’t know how Australia handles auto imports but if they just accept Euro safety/emission standards then it costs almost nothing

Yeah, it’s a good idea but it’s also an hour and a half away and costs money. It’d be hard for me to convince some teenager or 20-something to do that rather than just go tear up the interstate that runs right through town.

Eh, if anything this is just Tesla becoming more of a mainstream automaker. How many companies advertise the “only $199/mo” special only for you to find out exactly 3 of those cars exist anywhere in the country? And no, your dealer won’t go get one for you.

The drag strip closest to me has “race the cops” night where the State Police bring out their highway chase cars and you can race against them. It’s pretty cheap IIRC.

Credit to those salespeople, it’s a difficult line to walk selling the Honda powertrain as the best feature without revealing that the customer would be better off just getting an entire vehicle from Honda.

It’s just PR speak, you don’t wanna be seen trashing the devs publicly since that’ll make it harder to convince the next set of devs to take the project on.

Your country’s laws matter quite a bit in this context.

Yeah I’m guessing they’ll be dry like most reheated tenders.

Not only do they not have fryers, nothing is actually cooked on-site. Everything is just re-heated in one way or another.

Which is a great reason for Valve to be interested in the outcome, and maybe a reason for them to voluntarily assist Apple, but it absolutely isn’t a reason for a court to issue a subpoena for the information.

Gotta say I agree with Valve here, they aren’t a party to the lawsuit and shouldn’t be required to spend one iota of effort helping either party resolve it.

The one upshot of how Americans make pasta is that we get the glorious reaction videos from Italian chefs. Disappointment sounds better in Italian.

As the owner of a highly modified Golf, this is the right take.

So what’s the alternative?

As someone familiar with the VW/Audi tuning scene, I’m kinda surprised they haven’t been locked for ages. Anytime a new VW/Audi comes out it’s always a waiting game to see who can break the encryption first.

Are there any other cases you can think of where we shouldn’t give a shit about minorities?

VapeBro edition of the WRX when?

Even CEOs can get fired. And none of them want that to happen for something like misjudging how popular a product will be, you wanna go out in a blaze of glory by sexually harassing an intern or saying something racist on Twitter.