
I haven’t eaten maraschino cherries in like 25 years due to one bad experience as a kid.

Can’t harvest data on folks who rock up to the drive thru unannounced.

Very, very tight spot with pillars on both sides and not much room behind to go straight out.

Doesn’t Jeep essentially just print money with what they’re currently doing? I’m under the impression that it was the most valuable bit of FCA.

Nope, it’s a function of metabolic rate.

I try to side with the liar that keeps people out of jail rather than the liar who puts them there.

You’re not wrong, per say, but why was their competition incurring all of those costs? Because when they started the government said “you have to buy this medallion to do that kind of work”. The city limited the number of medallions they’d produce, and like all things with static supply and increasing demand the price

That and Joss preached all the right things while being an asshole behind closed doors, while Louis CK has always been an asshole in all contexts.

Oh I agree NYC should be on the hook and no one else.

IIRC VW employs an entire team just to make sure the sound the door makes when it closes is right. I’d imagine there’s quite a bit of effort involved in getting the panel gaps right as well.

Same. Good friend can’t play most first person games because it gives him vertigo, if it can be fixed with settings tweaks that would be great.

The Soviets shared a lot of stuff with the Chinese when they were still around, they had a habit of sharing technology with other commies.

5th: Gee, maybe artificially limiting the number of people who can drive for-hire in the city was a bad idea. The problem isn’t that Uber exists, it’s that it costs so much to be a taxi driver in the first place.

Yup, I noticed after the Grand Am developed a few battle scars I got more leeway from other drivers.

Tough but fair.

There’s even more freedom once you get to the point where you don’t even care to bother taping it up anymore.

That and the shortening are weird to me. I’m not a fan of shortening in almost any context, but it’s really really out of place in pasta sauce.

You miss that part? “Who’s gonna pay for it?” isn’t why transportation projects in California fail.

And here I was thinking they’d use it to finish up dental hygienist school like they promised. I’ve been duped!

Can this be a recurring series on Jalopnik?