
Eh, to be fair BMI is a junk metric anyways. Trump’s still a fatass, but you can determine that with a much more scientific method like the eyeball test.

I’m not anti-union, I believe in freedom of association.

I dunno if you think bragging about your dick on the internet makes you look cool or something, but it doesn’t.

Have you read any of Jalopnik’s other economic analysis? “Anyone wealthier than me is evil, unions are inherently good, everyone should pay more taxes so things I personally care about are better funded”.

Having all the poor people die off because they can’t afford to live in this utopia would help reduce greenhouse gas emissions, so at least he’s consistent with how his policies will accomplish his goals.

Yup, happened a bunch when I played LoL. That game was so toxic that I just muted everyone (teammates included) at the beginning of every game. There was no way for me to be toxic to them because I couldn’t see what they were saying to me and so I didn’t respond. Just played the game.

In places where they’re really concerned about photos, you’re just not allowed to bring your phone in at all. Some of them even have devices that will alert security if radio traffic is detected.

A friend of mine allegedly may have been in this line of work for a while.

There was direction from Dad that if you didn’t like what was for dinner, shutting up about it was probably the right move. If Mom spent all day at work and then has to cook the moment she gets home she’s not necessarily open to feedback, at least not immediately after cooking.

Correct. I’d say that if you can’t outwit a child you probably shouldn’t have had any to begin with. Small children are not known for patience, simply waiting them out works a lot of the time.

Who said I was eating people? Your tongue is useful for more than just food, you know.

Same. Mom always made sure there was at least one thing we liked on the table so we weren’t totally starving at bed time if we were being picky.

Parents definitely play a role. I was a picky eater as a kid, but eventually learned the lesson that whatever Mom made for dinner was what was available and no amount of bitching about it was going to get her to make something else. I either ate what she cooked or I went hungry. My Mom is a great home cook, it’s not

I’ve tasted a few Americans and they taste nothing like these chips. I thought they were Cool Americans too or I wouldn’t have been tasting them.

He’s also an obsessively competitive person. He has to “win” at all costs, the definition of “winning” of course being malleable. One of his high school coaches said he was one of the most coachable kids ever because he was so singularly focused on winning he would do whatever the coach told him would get him there.

All of this, plus the rise of turbo gas motors didn’t help. Your typical turbo 4 pot gas engine isn’t really down on torque compared to a similarly sized turbo diesel, at least not enough for all the tradeoffs to make any sense.

If you’re looking for Yes Men for your reign, I’m available. I’m assuming CEO brown-nosers are well-paid, so your “25% less than the current guy” plan should work for me too.

Same, lots of digging into my finances, but shitbox cars were never a subject of conversation.

I could see it happening in fields where security clearances are a thing, although it would take more than a beater car to trigger an investigation. They also wouldn’t lay it all out in an email like that so you know they’re onto you, investigating takes place BEFORE they ask you for your side of the story.

There’s a country song in here somewhere.